95bFM: The Monday Wire with Joe Nunweek
95bFM: The Monday Wire with Joe Nunweek

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On the show this afternoon.
1.20: Moana Papa, CLASS
At least a quarter of secondary schools currently offering night classes are now warning they will no longer do so, as the axe comes down on their funding - the deadline to apply for the remaining cash to hold them is this Friday, and some already see it as a hopeless cause. Moana Papa, who runs the night class programme at Auckland's Flat Bush High School, speaks about the consequences.
1.40: Duncan MacDonald,
Avondale Community Board Chairman 1.00: Dr Clinton
Fernandes, New South Wales University 1.30: Darien Fenton, Labour
MP 1.45: Max Whitehead,
Whitehead Group All interviews and features are podcasted at
The NZ Transport Agency
has confirmed the form the SH20 Waterview Connection will
take - a combined surface/tunnel option which will see 365
houses knocked down in the area.
A diplomatic row
was forming late last week between Australia and Indonesia,
after the former's police announced they were launching a
war-crimes investigation into the 1975 deaths of the 'Balibo
Five' - a TV news crew comprising two Australians, two
Britons, and a New Zealander that were murdered in East
Timor by invading Indonesian forces. Dr Fernandes is one of
Australia's foremost intelligence experts on East Timor and
a consulting historian to a new docudrama about the
killings, and he makes the case for why the investigation
should finally go forward.
A Members' Bill to be tabled in Parliament at the end
of the week is touting minimum notice and compensation for
redundancy for employees who lose their job. Sounds
comforting in a recession, but it's encountered fierce
criticism and opposition from employers' association and
advocates. Its creator, Darien Fenton, defends the bill's
purposes and desired effect.
Max Whitehead is an employment law expert
claiming the move to institute redundancy compensation would
be unwise and a likely nail in the coffin to small business.
He explains why he thinks Darien Fenton's bill should be