White Paper: A Road Map For Transforming NZ Inc.
A Road Map For Transforming NZ Inc.
The Trans Tasman Editors have released a White Paper on New Zealand’s long-term economic future, entitled A Road Map For Transforming NZ Inc.
After ending up in an economic cul de sac after 9 years of Labour-led Government, NZ has to dig itself out of stagnation.
John Key’s Government says it has a comprehensive plan to re-balance the economy from debt-fuelled consumption towards investment and exports. It has to be nation-changing.
Will it be enough? The Trans-Tasman Editors take an in-depth look at what the Government is aiming to do, and offer some ideas of their own on how NZ can climb back up the economic ladder.
Key has made it clear he is determined to reverse NZ’s slippage down international league tables. A generation on, NZ Inc has to decide for the next 25 years whether and how to “progress.”
The White paper outlines 6 Important Strategies for the Key Government and Trans Tasman’s observations on them:
1. A Trans Tasman Single Economic Market - In Effect Economic Union - by 2015
The Bolger/McKinnon Government missed the chance for a Trans Tasman Economic Union in the nineties. Key won’t.
2. Energy as the Transformatory Base
Energy communications, innovation, and luck, are the key underwriters to modern economic growth.
3. Greening NZ with Environmental and Industrial Forestry
The Key Government is focusing on NZ Inc forestry as a major greenhouse gas reducing industry and as NZ’s largest export industry by the 2030s
4. Innovation : Research, Science and Technology
This Government wants more from science and technology if it is to move NZ Inc towards greater mining wealth, and improvements in agricultural output and growth in other sectors of the economy.
5. Ultra-Fast Broadband
The Government is working on a $1.5bn investment initiative, as part of a programme modernising NZ’s infrastructure.
6. Securities Law Reform
NZ’s capital markets are thin, lack liquidity and are subject to confusing, outdated regulatory oversight in the hands of too many players.
The Paper asks can we do it? The Trans-Tasman Editors who have been recording NZ’s economic progress (or lack of it) for 40 years rate the chances as better than even. However there are two crucial ingredients. Firstly how well does the Government execute its plans to move the country forward. Does John Key have the talent in his cabinet to make his aspirations a reality? And secondly can he motivate NZers to shake off a nation sapping lack of self belief which comes to the fore all too often.

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