Honduras: Electoral Tribunal Against Coup Decree
Honduras Supreme Electoral Tribunal Comes Out Against Coup Decree
September 30, 2009
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The blowback continues from the decree issued by coup president Roberto Micheletti in Honduras, with the country’s highest electoral court now openly opposing Sunday’s coup decree that eliminated Constitutional rights. Publisher Al Giordano reports on the latest layer to peel away from the coup d'etat:
“On Sunday, Micheletti announced the authoritarian decree without having the aforementioned ‘consensus’ of key coup players. Some seemed as surprised as the general public to find out about it. The decree already does not have any ‘consensus’ even among the limited power players between whom the coup was negotiated and implemented. Now he is saying he needs ‘consensus’ to remove it.
“What does this tell us? It reveals that Micheletti himself isn't calling the shots here. He specifically mentions the Supreme Court, and his reference to ‘State organisms’ most likely means the Armed Forces: the two real kingpins of the coup, for whom Micheletti is a mere marionette.”
Read the complete article online at Narco News:
From somewhere in a country called América,
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