Lyndon Hood: Travel Ideas For MPs
Travel Ideas For MPs
Satire by Lyndon Hood
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With just a few days of Parliament left, MPs will – if they’re anything like me – be thinking about planning their summer break.
Ah, the traditional MP’s Christmas: the enforced seizure and redistribution of presents, the community-controlled opening of new liquor bottles, the crabby aunts trying to exaggerate your liabilities, the endless round of coup-plotting barbecues, and the chance to spend some time getting away from it all.
Always keen to help, Scoop provides a few holiday suggestions below.
And remember: The Minister is happy to take credit for the holiday New Zealanders will have, but the going back to work afterwards is due to market factors beyond her control.
Once the diplomatic
traffic clears out, Copenhagen promises a magical
Christmas, as the glittering fragments of shattered hopes
and broken dreams swirl prettily in the moonlight.
try anywhere else Obama goes.
Pop over to
Darwin and make a point of remarking how warm it is,
thus annoying creationists and climate change deniers at the
same time.
Pay a visit to Alaejos, Spain, which according to
Scoop’s calculations is the global antipode of Wellington.
So it is – in an interesting coincidence – both the
place you go when sent as far away from the Beehive as
possible, and also where you end up if you find yourself in
a hole and keep digging. Handy for Paris.
Bridge the
trans-Tasman gap and take a trip to Sydney. Now,
frankly, if you want to reach Australia by 2010, you'll have
to make some hard choices. Your current business-as-usual
method of walking will never get you there. You must
therefore embrace my plan of building big cardboard wings
for your car and driving it off Cape Reinga as fast as you
Wander around our pristine wilderness,
asking tourists what they think, then saying things like
“That’s all very well, but think of the untapped mineral
Put your travel perk to good use: Research!
Go check out The Swedish Model. If your spouse is
likely to become suspicious, consider meeting the Swedish
Model in Thailand or something.
You might end up in a
tropical paradise, drinking cocktails in the sun and
getting back rubs from our trained staff. You’re pretty
relaxed about that
Go see some
glaciers, before they melt. Stupid glaciers! Don’t
they know they’re being played?
Take a trip to that
country most beloved of politicians,
Wherever you’re off to this
summer, if you’re, for example, the Minister of Education,
perhaps you might consider never coming
Suppose you normally go to Turangi. Well
what you do is, have an advisory board suggest you go to
Greenland. That way, when you decide to go to Hawaii,
everyone will think you are a model of
Government MPs always want to go there,
much as they might call for sanctions while in opposition:
Cross the border to Nanny State!
Take a
fact-finding tour of Zimbabwe, Nazi Germany
and Stalinist Russia. That way, next time you’re
reaching for a comparison about having to use decent
lightbulbs, you might keep things in
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