PM's Post-Cabinet Presser 15/2/10: Happy Families
PM's Post-Cabinet Press Conference 15/2/10: Happy Families

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The Prime Minister began with an update on the response to cyclones Rene in Tonga and Pat in the Cook Islands. He offered teasers for events for the upcoming week, including an announcement on the MMP referendum and electoral finance laws, the Government's response to the capital development taskforce (including plans for a NZ international finance hub) and and a natty Prime Ministerial costume for Napier's Art Deco week.
Questions focused on the Whanau Ora welfare policy and disputes over whether it would be limited to Maori. Discussion of the policy included the Prime Minister's explanation of why poverty is like a waterbed. On the importance of proper monitoring, Mr Key said, "Like any programme that's new, it has to be rolled in on a phased basis", which may be news to his Minister of Education.
The Prime Minister also fielded questions on the Maori Party's response to plans to raise GST, Antarctic anti-whaling actions, SOE gagging orders and his statement, contradicted by a Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment report, that mining in New Zealand uses only 40 square kilometres of land. He also confirmed that New Zealand forces were not involved in the recent offensive in Afghanistan.