The Thursday Wire with Paul Deady
95bFM: The Thursday Wire with Paul Deady
We’ve heard from the three leading Mayoral candidates already this week - John Banks, Andrew Williams, and Len Brown. Today it’s time to hear from one of the lesser lights - but a candidate who’s convinced she has a good chance of winning. This morning Penny Bright sat down with me and outlined her vision for the super city. The fact that she spells Super with a dollar sign instead of an “s” should be some indication of Penny’s platform for governance. She’s the only candidate who’s actually running AGAINST the whole idea of the super city, and promises WHEN she’s elected in a landslide protest vote (her words) her first move will be to work on repealing the legislation that got us here in the first place. Penny’s a long-time campaigner for water rights - she’s vehemently opposed to any form of privatisation and her organisation the Water Pressure Group work hard to keep it that way - with some success! She says the super city is going to turn Auckland into a cash cow for big business, and we’ve all had the wool pulled over our eyes. Passionate? You bet.
1225 - Penny Bright, Part Two
1235 - Dear Science
At 12.35, as per, Peter Griffin joins us from the Science Media Centre for Dear Science - your weekly look into the wonderful world of pursuing knowledge. Today Peter’s firmly focused on the upcoming local elections, and will look at the environmental credentials of the leading mayoral candidates.
1245 - Ngarimu Blair, Ngati Whatua
Then at 12.45 we look at an issue that’s been sort of swept under the rug a bit in the heady rush towards these elections - Maori representation. When the government said they WOULDN’T take on the Royal Commission’s recommendation for entrenched Maori seats we saw a massive hui of angry Maori hit Queen Street. Local government minister Rodney Hide wears his Act party stripes pretty proudly and has no place for what he calls race-based seats. Instead, he’d say Maori should be elected on their merit - just the same as non-Maori. So, as we draw closer to the election (only 2 weeks now) I’ll ask Ngarimu Blair from Ngati Whatua how likely this scenario is to unfold.