iPredict Ep.16: Bomber, Matt Hooton, Michele Levine
iPredict Elections 2011 – Episode 16 with Bomber, Matt Hooton & Roy Morgan CEO Michele Levine
Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury hosts the iPredict Elections 2011 series.
iPredict Elections Ep:16 Special guest Roy Morgan CEO Michele Levine joins PR guru and National Business Review columnist Matthew Hooton as they compare the party results forecast in the iPredict market, against the polling completed by Roy Morgan. Hosted by Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury.
ipredict Elections broadcasts on Stratos
TV accessed via Sky channel 89 & Freeview channel 21 each
week-day evening at 7pm until the election campaign on
November 26 2011.
It will feature: Martyn “Bomber” Bradbury, a rotating team of panellists, including NBR’s Matthew Hooton, Scoop’s Selwyn Manning, blogger Phoebe Fletcher, interest.co.nz’s Bernard Hickey, Labour’s David Cunliffe, National’s Nikki Kaye, Mana’s Hone Harawira and New Zealand First’s Winston Peters will debate and discuss key election issues using the daily predictions from the Scoop Link: iPredict website.