Truthout: 3 April 2012
Truthout: 3 April 2012
Promises: America's Forgotten Iraqi Allies Face Death and a
Long Road Home
Mike Ludwig, Truthout: "Hope for
US-affiliated Iraqis like Ali came in 2008, when a
bipartisan effort in Congress created a special visa program
to allow interpreters and other professionals who are in
danger because they worked for the US, especially those
under threat of assassination, to immigrate to America. But
last year, the Obama administration added new layers of
security clearance to the program, exacerbating a growing
backlog of applications and leaving former employees like
Ali waiting in refugee limbo."
Read the Article
Unmasking the
GOP's Faith-Based Economics
John Kane, Truthout:
"From Ron Paul to Mitt Romney, politicians consistently
employ their own framing of why the economy is performing
poorly, and thus, promote a consistent remedy for how to
improve it. Government doesn't need to do more, they
contend, it needs to do less - less regulating, less
spending, less taxing. They believe in these solutions, I
argue, not necessarily because of some secret allegiance to
the rich, but because of their longstanding blind faith in
the ability of the so-called 'free market' to correct
economic problems on its own."
Read the Article
"Guidebook to
False Confessions": Key Document John Yoo Used to Draft
Torture Memo Released
Jason Leopold, Jeffrey Kaye,
Truthout: A key document that describes the origins of the
Bush administration's torture program was just released by
the Department of Defense under the Freedom of Information
Act. The so-called Pre-Laboratory Operating Instructions was
a manual used to teach US servicemembers how to withstand
torture if captured by an enemy. The document was shared
with top Bush administration officials during White House
meetings in May of 2002 as they discussed an "alternative
interrogation methods" for high-value detainee Abu Zubaydah.
Seven of the techniques in the manual ended up in the August
2002 torture memo drafted by former Justice Department
attorney John Yoo.
Read the Article
Partisan Rulings
on Strip Searches and Citizens United Could Put Supreme
Court on Trial in 2012 (Video)
Rachel Maddow, The
Rachel Maddow Show: "Rachel Maddow reviews the details of a
controversial 5-4 Supreme Court ruling on strip searches."
Watch the Video
"Empty Buildings
Are the Crime": Occupy SF Commune Evicted After One
Susie Cagle, Truthout: "It lasted less than 24
hours, but the Occupy SF Commune at 888 Turk may have pushed
the movement forward harder than many other of the
movement's Bay Area actions of late. And despite Monday's
raid, many occupiers saw the building operation as a
Read the Illustrated Story
Zero: Getting to the Finish Line
David Krieger,
Truthout: "We have come a long way, but we haven't reached
the finish line, which is a world without nuclear weapons.
The issue we face now is to educate decision makers and the
public that the dangers of nuclear weapons have not gone
away. There are still many flash points of nuclear danger in
the world: India-Pakistan, North Korea, the continued
possession of nuclear weapons by the UK and France, the
possession of nuclear weapons by Israel and the incentive
for nuclear proliferation this creates in the Middle East,
and the relationship of the nuclear energy fuel cycle to
nuclear proliferation."
Read the Article
In Haiti, Global
Failures on a Cholera Epidemic
Deborah Sontag, The
New York Times News Service: "As the deaths and continuing
caseload indicate, the world's response to this preventable,
treatable scourge has proved inadequate. Cholera, never
before recorded in Haiti, stayed one step ahead of the
authorities as they shifted gears from the earthquake
recovery. While eventually effective in reducing the
fatality rate, the response was slow to get fully under way,
conservative and insufficiently sustained."
Read the Article
On the News With
Thom Hartmann: The Federal War on Marijuana Continues, and
In today's On the News segment: The federal war
on Marijuana continues, Republican budget is nothing more
than a Trojan horse, new study shows long-term unemployed
are dying younger, the Supreme Court thinks you need to be
strip-searched, and more.
Watch the Video and Read the Article
Data Mining You: How the Intelligence Community Is
Creating a New American World
Tom Engelhardt,
TomDispatch: "In the new world of the National Security
Complex, no one can be trusted - except the officials
working within it, who in their eternal bureaucratic
vigilance clearly consider themselves above any law. The
system that they are constructing (or that, perhaps, is
constructing them) has no more to do with democracy or an
American republic or the Constitution than it does with a
Soviet-style state. Think of it as a phenomenon for which we
have no name. Like the yottabyte, it's something new under
the sun, still awaiting its own strange and ugly
Read the Article
Legislators Trying to Declare Pregnancy Two Weeks Prior to
Amanda Marcotte, RH Reality Check:
"Legislators have had so much success smuggling in ulterior
motives with 20-week bans that they're now looking for ways
to expand the amount of hard right anti-choice nonsense they
can attach to those bills. The most recent - and extreme -
example is Arizona. There, lawmakers are writing a 20-week
abortion ban that starts counting off at the first day of a
woman's period. Yes, they're arguing that you're 'pregnant'
while you're actually getting your period."
Read the Article
Israeli Experts
Mum on Iran Attack to Support Bibi's Bluff
Porter, Inter Press Service: "The widespread impression
among the Israeli national security elite and press corps
that Netanyahu's threat of war against Iran is a bluff does
not guarantee that Netanyahu will not attack Iran. But it
does help explain why there has not been a much bigger
outcry against a war option that is widely regarded as
irrational for Israel."
Read the Article
Green Cards for
Clean Energy Job Creators
Maria Gallucci,
InsideClimate News: "So far, the EB-5 program has created at
least 43,300 full-time American jobs and attracted more than
$2.2 billion in investments, according to USCIS data
provided to InsideClimate News by the agency. At least half
that activity occurred since 2008, and most was in real
estate development. But more and more developers and cities
are turning to the program to get their clean energy
projects off the ground, said Peter Joseph, executive
director of the Association to Invest in USA (IIUSA)."
Read the Article
There Is Nothing
More Anti-Capitalist Than "the People
L'Humanite Staff, l'Humanite: "For l'Humanite
Dimanche, Jean-Luc Melenchon explains the meaning of the
citizens' revolution, specifies the first measures that the
government of the Front de gauche will place on the
workbench once in power, and describes the steps to be taken
in order to impose these measures on the French and European
Read the Article
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GOP Presidential Candidates Aren't
Job Creators: They Are Just Seeking One for Themselves
Funded by Taxpayers
Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at
Truthout: "When you vote for leadership to spur innovation
in America to create economic growth, it's pretty hard to
follow grown men who symbolize in their lives an interest in
only one job - being president - and that position is
already filled. That's what the Republican presidential
candidates bring to the table: they haven't been creating
jobs in recent years, just seeking one."
Read the BuzzFlash Commentary
99 Percent for the 100 Percent: The Case for Deep
Read the Article at The
Breaking News: Women Like Having Access to
Read the Article at Mother
Permitted Concealed Firearms Would Be Allowed
in GOP Convention Protest Zone
Read the Article at The Tampa Bay
Obama: Ryan Budget Is "Thinly Veiled Social
Read the Article at Talking Points
National Organization for Marriage's Racialist
Divide-and-Conquer Strategy Wins Support
Read the Article at
Hillary Clinton Slams Rush Limbaugh
"Verbal Assault"
Read the Article at Politico
Jobs: Three Reasons There Aren't More
Read the Article at The Boston
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