Through the season of Lent 2012 Scoop will be publishing a serialisation of Katya Rivas’s “The Passion”. Readers can sign up to receive the serial by email at: To order a video about Katya’s work see…

The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Passion
Reflections that Jesus makes on the mystery of His suffering and the value it has on the Redemption.
Cochabamba — Bolivia
Spanish Editions: 1996 and 1998
English 1st Edition - November 1999
Pronounces His Last Words
Extract 22
My daughter, you have heard and seen My sufferings, accompany Me till the end and share My pain.
My Cross is now raised. Here is the hour of the Redemption of the world!
I am the spectacle of jeers for the mob… but I am also admired and loved by the souls. This Cross, up to now an instrument of torture where criminals expired, is going to be, from now on, the light and peace of the world.
Sinners will find forgiveness and life in My Holy Scriptures. My Blood will wash and erase the stains of their sins. The pure souls will come to My Sacred Wounds to refresh themselves and to burn in My Love. In them they will take refuge and will make their dwelling forever.
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do, they have not known the One who is their life… They have unleashed onto Him all the fury of their iniquities. But I beg of You, O My Father! Release onto them the power of Your Mercy.
Today you will be with Me in Paradise, because your faith in the Mercy of your Savior has erased your crimes. Mercy leads you to eternal life.
Woman, there is your Son! Mother of Mine, there are My brothers! Guard them, love them… they are not alone.
O, you, for whom I have given My life, you now have a Mother to whom you can appeal for all your needs. I have united all of you with the tightest bonds when I gave you My own Mother.
The soul now has a right to say to its God “Why have you forsaken me?” In effect, after I fulfilled the mystery of Redemption, man has become God’s son again, brother of Jesus, and inheritor of eternal life…
O Father of Mine…. I am thirsty for Your Glory … and the hour has arrived. From now on, fulfilling My words, the world will know that You are the One who sent Me, and You will be glorified!
I am thirsty for Your Glory, thirsty for souls…. And to quench this thirst, I have poured out My Blood unto the last drop! For this reason I can say: All is fulfilled. The great mystery of Love has now been fulfilled; the mystery for which God surrendered to the world His own Son in order to give Life back to man… I came to earth to do Your Will, O My Father. It is now fulfilled!
To Thee I give My soul. In this way the souls who accomplish My Will can say in truthfulness: “All is consummated…” My Lord and My God, receive My soul… I place it in Your beloved hands.
I offered My death to My Father for the dying souls, and they will have Life. In the last cry I gave from the Cross, I embraced all of humanity: past, present, and future. The piercing spasm with which I released Myself from earth, was received by My Father with infinite Love, and all of Heaven exulted for it because My Humanity was entering into Glory. At the same instant in which I surrendered My Spirit, a multitude of souls met Me: those who desired Me centuries ago and those who desired Me a few months or days ago, but all of them desired Me intensely. This single joy was enough for all the hardships suffered by Me.
You should know that in memory of that joyful meeting, I have decided to assist the dying and many times do so even visibly. I give them salvation to honor those who lovingly received Me in Heaven. So pray for these dying people, because I love them very much. As many times as you offer the last cry that I gave to the Father, you will be heard because through it, many souls are given to Me.
It was a moment of joy when all the Heavenly Court, who had vibrantly gathered together to await My death, was presented to Me. But among all the souls who surrounded Me, one was particularly overwhelmed, overwhelmed so much, that it sparkled in joy, in love… It was Joseph who, more than anyone else, understood the Glory I had acquired after such hard battles. He led all the souls who were waiting for Me; he was granted to be My first Ambassador to Limbo. The Angels, in their order, rendered Me honor in such a way that My Humanity, already resplendent, was surrounded by innumerable Saints who exalted and adored Me.
My children, there are no glorious crosses on earth; they are all wrapped in mystery, in darkness, in exasperation. In mystery, because you do not understand it; in darkness, because it confuses the mind; and in exasperation, because it strikes exactly in places where it does not want to strike.
Do not lament; do not delay. I tell you that not only did I carry the wooden cross that led Me to Glory, but, above all, that invisible but permanent Cross that was formed by the crosses of your sins. Yes, and of your sufferings. Everything that you suffer was the object of My sorrows, for I not only suffered to give you Redemption, but also for what you should suffer today. Look at the love that unites Me to you; in it have the confirmation of My Holy Will and unite yourselves to Me, observing how I acted among limitless bitterness.
I have taken as a symbol a piece of wood, a cross. I have carried it with great love, for the good of all. I have suffered real affliction so that everyone could be joyful with Me. But today, how many believe in Him who truly loved you and loves you? Contemplate Me in the image of the Christ who cries and bleeds. There and in this way the world has Me.
EDITOR’S NOTES: Through the Christian season of Lent 2012, Scoop will be publishing a series of daily reflections on the Passion from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas, has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books.. Readers can sign up to recieve daily extracts from Katya Rivas’s writings by email at:
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