Truthout: 15 April 2012
Truthout: 15 April 2012
Years on, 1960s Black Radical Still Suffers Racial and
Political Injustice
Rania Khalek, Truthout: "The
consequences of America's racist history still linger deep
into the present. No one understands this better than Gary
Freeman, a 1960s black civil rights activist whose life has
been turned upside down by the racial and political
injustice perpetuated first by the United States and now by
Canada. Freeman has spent the last four years separated from
his Canadian wife and four grown children due to false
allegations that he is a former member of the Black Panthers
Party. This accusation stems from an incident that took
place in 1969, when Freeman, just 19 at the time, shot a
white police officer in the arm, which he claims was in
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Attacks Hit US
Embassy, Government Offices in Afghanistan
Ali Safi
and Jonathan S. Landay, McClatchy Newspapers: "Insurgents
took over a high-rise building on Sunday and began firing
rocket propelled grenades and assault weapons at government
buildings and towards the U.S. Embassy. The attack was part
of coordinated suicide assaults elsewhere in Afghanistan and
appeared to herald the beginning of the Taliban's spring
offensive. There were no immediate reports of casualties in
Kabul what appeared to be a strike mirroring an attack on
the heavily fortified American mission in September."
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Erased Peoples,
Excised Histories: On My Train Ride, the Tracks Form a Wake
of Blood, Sweat and Tears
Sarah Macaraeg, Truthout:
"After discovering during a recent train trip that Sabra
hummus, a boycott target of the Palestine solidarity
movement, was served on Amtrak, I wrote this essay to tackle
what the Sabra brand's presence on the train evoked for me,
the child of a railroad worker: the grim intersections of
oppression at home and abroad. Presented in five vignettes,
the following thoughts are shaped by the Asian-American
experience and by the state of urgency that is anti-racism
in the era of Trayvon Martin. I wrote this piece with my
fellow people in mind - that is, those people who are
compelled to change the world and are trying to figure out
how to do it effectively."
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Book on Occupy's
Tent City Era Helps Anchor Roots of Evolving
Michael Busch, Truthout: "There has likely
not been a sociopolitical phenomenon more heavily documented
than the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement. What took root
in Zuccotti Park and quickly blossomed in over 1,000 sites
throughout the United States captured the world's
imagination, but also its cameras, laptops, iPhones and
Twitter accounts. No sooner had OWS celebrated its two-month
anniversary, the first 'Occubooks' began to appear, offering
first cuts at making sense of the most exciting populist
movement to rock the United States in seventy-five years."
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White House Opens
Door to Big Donors, and Lobbyists Come In
Michael Luo
and Mike McIntire, The New York Times News Service:
"Although Mr. Obama has made a point of not accepting
contributions from registered lobbyists, a review of
campaign donations and White House visitor logs shows that
special interests have had little trouble making themselves
heard. Many of the president's biggest donors, while not
lobbyists, took lobbyists with them to the White House,
while others performed essentially the same function on
their visits. More broadly, the review showed that those who
donated the most to Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party since
he started running for president were far more likely to
visit the White House than others."
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Prevention for
the Sickest 10 Percent Is Best Treatment Plan for People,
Jonathan Fleece, Truthout: "Some fear that
the corporate vested interests tied to an unhealthy America
are too strong and powerful to allow these changes to occur.
While the strength of vested interests can never be
underestimated, the pendulum swing toward health and
wellness has already moved. Momentum is early, but it is
sustainable and clear. One by one, Fortune 500 companies are
announcing movements in this direction. Smaller businesses
are actively following suit. Aggressive government health
management programs are growing regularly, too. A critical
mass can initiate change, even when opposing forces
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European Airlines
Silence Palestine Protest
Jillian Kestler-D'Amours,
Inter Press Service: " As 60 percent of the international
activists set to land at Ben Gurion airport Sunday had their
plane tickets cancelled, organizers of the 'Welcome to
Palestine' fly-in campaign condemned what they say is
European complicity in Israel's illegal restrictions on
their right to travel freely.... German airline Lufthansa
cancelled all flights from French airports into Tel Aviv
scheduled for Sunday. Activists also reported that British
airline, Air France and EasyJet had cancelled
activists' tickets, after Israel circulated a no-fly list
and threatened legal action should the airlines transport
the activists to Tel Aviv."
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In Barcelona,
Austerity With an Iron Fist
Peter Gelderloos,
Truthout: "Criminalizing public meetings, expanding police
powers and weaponry, and applying anti-terrorist measures to
street protests: it sounds like Spain in the Franco years,
but all of these measures have been proposed in Spain in
just the last couple of weeks. Far from being a throwback to
the years of dictatorship, these repressive developments go
hand in hand with the current economic crisis. Considering
the connection between the 15M plaza occupation movement and
the subsequent Occupy movement that spread to several
countries around the globe, between the March 29th general
strike in Spain and the upcoming May 1st general strike
called in the United States, between the brutal austerity
measures implemented already a year or two ago by the
government in Madrid and the increasing signs of shakiness
from more stable EU countries such as France, Spain is, if
anything, ahead of the curve."
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Growth of Income
Inequality Is Worse Under Obama than Bush
Stoller, Naked Capitalism: "Recently, the President gave a
speech in which he demanded that Congress raise taxes on
millionaires, as a way to somewhat recalibrate the nation's
wealth distribution. His advisors, like Gene Sperling, are
giving speeches talking about the need for manufacturing. A
common question in DC is whether this populist pose will
help him win the election. Perhaps it will. Perhaps not.
Romney is a weak candidate, cartoonishly wealthy and from
what I've seen, pretty inept. But on policy, there's a more
interesting question. A better puzzle to wrestle with is why
President Obama is able to continue to speak as if his
administration has not presided over a significant expansion
of income redistribution upward."
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What Face Should
the French Sixth Republic Have?
Jacqueline Sellem,
l'Humanite-in-English: "Five analyses of the essential
characteristics of the Sixth Republic, the creation of which
is the central plank in the electoral platform of the Front
de gauche in the current French presidential and legislative
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Romney: Poor
Mothers Should Be Required to Work Outside the Home Or Lose
Alex SeitzWald, ThinkProgress: "For every
Romney action, there is an equal and opposite Romney
reaction .... The Republican presidential candidate said he
wanted to require women who receive welfare to work outside
the home, even if their children are very young. He told a
New Hampshire audience: 'I wanted to increase the work
requirement,' said Romney. 'I said, for instance, that even
if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work.
And people said, 'Well that's heartless.' And I said, 'No,
no, I'm willing to spend more giving day care to allow those
parents to go back to work. It'll cost the state more
providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have
the dignity of work.'"
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The BuzzFlash commentary for Truthout will return Monday, April 16.
How Freedom
of Speech is Abused by Fanatics
Read the Article at
Having an Abortion When No One Called Me
a Slut
Read the Article at The New York
Protesters Announce Plans for Massive March
in Charlotte, N.C., City They label "Wall Street of the
South," for Democratic Convention
Read the Article at WCNC
In the
Latest Global Warming Chronicles, Midwest Storms Leave 5
Read the Article at CBS News
Black, Male and Stalked by Bias
Read the Article at The Sunday
Wikileaks' Julian Assange Gets Russian TV
Read the Article at The Village Voice
Cosby: Trayvon Martin Case About Guns Not
Read the Article at USA Today
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