Truthout: 16 April 2012
Truthout: 16 April 2012
War on Public-Sector Workers
Dean Baker, Truthout:
"Politicians across the country are using heaping doses of
the politics of envy to try to arouse the anger of
workers... The targets of these politicians' wrath are
school teachers, firefighters, and other public-sector
workers... They are outraged that many of these workers
still earn enough to support a middle-class family. Even
more outrageous, many of these workers have traditional
defined-benefit pensions that assure them a modicum of
comfort in retirement."
Read the Article
Community Radio
Poised for a Big Comeback as Activists Free the
Mike Ludwig, Truthout: "After a decade-long
grassroots campaign waged by community radio advocates, the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is preparing to make
room on the airwaves for hundreds of new low-power stations
across the country. Avila said the opportunity comes at a
crucial time. His community has suffered while living under
the watch of rogue Sheriff Joe Arpaio and dealing with the
harsh realities of tough anti-immigrant laws recently passed
in Arizona."
Read the Article
Arizona Is the
"Petri Dish" for ALEC's Corporate-Influenced
Yana Kunichoff, Truthout: "Arizona, with
49 out of 90 legislators with membership in the American
Legislative Exchange Council, is a darling of the bill
drafting body and home to several bills modeled on the
council's legislation targeting workers compensation, unions
and public education."
Read the Article
Chris Hedges |
First They Come for the Muslims
Chris Hedges,
Truthdig: "Tarek Mehanna, a U.S. citizen, was sentenced
Thursday in Worcester, Mass., to 17 1/2years in prison. It
was another of the tawdry show trials held against Muslim
activists since 9/11 as a result of the government's
criminalization of what people say and believe. These
trials, where secrecy rules permit federal lawyers to
prosecute people on 'evidence' the defendants are not
allowed to examine, are the harbinger of a corporate
totalitarian state in which any form of dissent can be
declared illegal."
Read the Article
2.0) Pushed Forward by For-Profit Spying Lobby
Fang, Republic Report: "A cyber security bill moving swiftly
through Congress would give government intelligence agencies
broad powers to work with private companies to share
information about Internet users. While some critics are
beginning to organize online against the legislation,
defense contractors, many already working with the National
Security Agency on related data-mining projects, are
lobbying to press forward."
Read the Article
Israel Denies
Entry to Hundreds in Day of Action
Lia Tarchansky,
The Real News Network: "Dozens arrested in an international
day of solidarity where 1500 activists tried to land in
Israel's Ben Gurion Airport to travel to the occupied
Palestinian territories."
Watch the Video
Pink Slime
Controversy Recalls Long History of Mishandling Mad Cow
Martha Rosenberg, Truthout: "There is an
upside for the beef industry and industry-friendly federal
food safety officials when people talk about pink slime. The
burger extender, known as lean, finely textured beef and
made from beef fat scraps treated with ammonia to kill
germs, was recently found to be posing as 'normal' ground
beef in the National School Lunch Program, fast food outlets
and grocery stores."
Read the Article
Frackers Outbid
Farmers for Water in Colorado Drought
Rebecca Leber,
ThinkProgress: "Colorado is facing drought not seen since
2002, following the fourth-warmest and third-least-snowy
winter in US history Colorado State University scientists
report that 98 percent of the state is facing these drought
conditions. Colorado's hydrofracking boom - a technology
that heavily relies on water - only adds additional strain
as farmers and drillers bid for a scarce resource...."
Read the Article
On the News With
Thom Hartmann: Buffett Rule Vote Faces Likely Filibuster in
Senate, and More
In today's On the News segment: The
Buffett rule is up for a long-shot vote in the Senate today,
bankrupt Hostess wants employees to accept a more than 75
percent pension cut, Spain threatens Argentina for its plans
to nationalize a Spanish energy company, and more.
Watch the Video and Read the Transcript
World Bank Supports Harmful Water Corporations, Report
Johanna Treblin, Inter Press Service: "People
in many developing countries often lack access to clean
water, but the approach to remedy this problem has shifted
in recent years to rely more on the private sector. Yet, as
this new report and several other watchdog groups have
shown, the change has been more harmful than helpful."
Read the Article
Economic Update |
How Our Economic System Impacts Our
Richard D. Wolff, Economic
Update/Truthout: "Economics Professor Richard D. Wolff and
guests discuss the current state of the economy, both
locally and globally in relation to the economic crisis. In
the latest segment Wolff discusses the huge fines for major
pharmaceutical firms, the long-standing and huge wealth
redistribution from richer to poorer states by Washington,
and the funding crisis in public higher education. The main
interview features Dr. Harriet Fraad discussing the profound
psychological costs of capitalism's instability."
Listen to the Show
Bill Moyers |
Angela Glover Blackwell on the American Dream
Moyers, Moyers & Company: "'I'm not discouraged, and I
wouldn't even dream of giving up, because we're at a moment
right now where I think we have more possibility than I've
seen in my adult lifetime,' Blackwell tells Moyers. 'Part of
what I've been feeling is that all the issues are finally on
the table.... So many people who are being left behind are
now in places where they have voice, and influence, and
they're forcing their way into the conversation.'"
Watch the Video and Read the Transcript
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The Ill Wind of Death That Races
Across the Mexican Border Into the US
Mark Karlin,
BuzzFlash at Truthout: "The statistics are almost certainly
an undercount, because a lot of bodies are never found, but
data reveals that hundreds of undocumented migrants each
year die seeking economic refuge in the United
Read the BuzzFlash
Leading Illinois Official Tells White
House to Put Excessive Deportations on Ice
Read the Article at The Chicago
Celebrating Jackie Robinson's Breaking of
the Race Barrier in Baseball
Read the Article at The Grio
Climate Strategy: Buy the Damn Coal and Keep It in the
Read the Article at Grist
Herald, Other Media Outlets Sue to Unseal George Zimmerman
Court Documents
Read the Article at The Miami
US Consumers Are Purchasing More Electric
and Hybrid Vehicles
Read the Article at My
Racist Mass Murderer of 77 Young People Goes
on Trial in Norway
Read the Article at The Los Angeles
The Obama Administration Wants You to Stop
Worrying and Love the Bailouts
Read the Article at Mother
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