Truthout: 22 April 2012
Truthout: 22 April 2012
Discipline of Tending to Our Own Planet
Krieger, Truthout: "We need a new Earth ethic that embraces
our responsibility for fairness to each other and to the
future. We need new ways of educating that do not simply
accept the status quo. We need to trade in our patriotism
for a global humatriotism. We need a new approach to
economics based on what is truly precious - life and the
conditions that support it. Earth Day will have its greatest
value if it reminds us to care for our Earth and each other
all the other days of the year, individually and through our
public policy."
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Latina Leaders of
Texas Colonias Help Remake Shantytowns Into Empowered
Mark Karlin, Truthout: "It would be easy
for this to become a story about the woeful conditions of
life in the colonias and how the poor were once again
pick-pocketed by the wealthy. And that would be true. But I
found that while the colonias that I visited late last year
face a host of serious challenges, there is an active
network of committed social-service and advocacy
organizations that are creating meaningful change by helping
colonia residents claim their own power."
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Nondisclosure Agreements, Companies Like the Washington Post
Will Continue to Silence Whistleblowers
Danny Weil,
Truthout: "WaPo's actions in the case of Kaplan University
reinforce the perception that they have something to hide,
that Kaplan University is little more than a scam swaddled
in secrecy. Evidently, helping the public to understand
educational policy in the interest of assuring quality
education is not as important to The Washington Post as
covering up past alleged illegal activity with nondisclosure
agreements in the interest of secrecy and maximizing
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Vast Mexico
Bribery Case Hushed Up by Wal-Mart After Top-Level
David Barstow, The New York Times News
Service: "In September 2005, a senior Wal-Mart lawyer
received an alarming e-mail from a former executive at the
company's largest foreign subsidiary, Wal-Mart de Mexico. In
the e-mail .. he said, the company had paid bribes to obtain
permits in virtually every corner of the country.... The
lead investigator recommended that Wal-Mart expand the
investigation. Instead, an examination by The New York Times
found, Wal-Mart's leaders shut it down. Neither American nor
Mexican law enforcement officials were notified."
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Yet Another Big
Lie: Mortgage Fraud Investigation Not Staffed
Smith, Naked Capitalism: "Remember the widely ballyhooed
mortgage fraud investigation, announced at the State of the
Union address? This was the shiny toy that succeeded in
getting New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman to
abandon his opposition to the mortgage settlement.... The
Administration started undercutting Schneiderman almost
immediately. He announced that the task force would have
'hundreds' of investigators. Breuer said it would have only
55, a simply pathetic number."
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Free Your
Frances Moore Lappe, YES! Magazine: "A new
way of seeing that is opening up to us can form a more
life-serving mental map. I call it 'eco-mind' - looking at
the world through the lens of ecology. This worldview
recognizes that we, no less than any other organism, live in
relation to everything else... As part of this shift,
breakthroughs in a range of disciplines are confirming what
we already know about ourselves, if we stop and think about
it: That humans are complex creatures."
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What If Pensions
Funds Grabbed the Reins?
Mike Alberti, Remapping
Debate: "Public and private pension funds in the United
States collectively have trillions of dollars in combined
assets. They own more than a third of all domestic equity,
with stakes in most public US. companies, and large holdings
of corporate and government bonds, real estate, and
infrastructure. They are unique in that they are both very
large and have a much longer investment horizon than most
other types of investors. But, with few exceptions, American
pension funds do not self-manage the majority of those
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The Wild
Unadulterated Joy of Revolt
Natalie W. and Aaron
Cynic, Diatribe Media: "An amazing moment of realization
comes when a tent goes up, when a stake is pounded into the
fat black heart of a cold city run by a man who doesn't care
about his constituents, that there's a better world. We can
establish a parallel society where we take care of one
another and people are valued more than securing a hegemonic
guard dog system or tulips."
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25 Years Later,
McCleskey Decision Still Fosters Racism by Ignoring
Christina Swarns and Eva Paterson, American
Constitution Society Blog: "Few cases involving the
intersection of race, criminal law, and procedure have had
the reach and impact of McCleskey v. Kemp.... This decision
set the stage for more than 20 years of dramatically
increasing racial disparities within the criminal justice
system. In McCleskey, the Supreme Court declared that a
criminal justice system that treats Blacks worse than whites
is 'inevitable' and that the Constitution is only violated
by instances of intentional racial discrimination by
individual actors in specific cases."
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Socialist Presidential Candidate Hollande Edges Past
Sarkozy, Will Go to Run-Off
Read the Article CBS
Withdrawal, Really? US and Afghanistan Reach
Partnershop Agreement for 10 Years
Read the Article at The New York
Can Obama Trump Citizens United With an
Executive Order?
Read the Article at Daily Kos
Island Pensions Cuts Set Chilling Precedent
Read the Article at Labor Notes
Wealth Reduces Compassion
Read the Article at Common
Panetta: "We're Within an Inch of War Almost
Every Day"
Read the Article at CNN
Revival: Occupy Seeks to Rejuvenate Movement With May
Read the Article at The Real
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