Undernews: February 17, 2013
Undernews: February 17, 2013
Since 1964, the news while there's still time to do something about it
Bank of America gets more secret bailouts
Arizona appeals court rules that even weeks old pot residue proves DUI
Tank storing radioactive waste leaking in Washington
Canada considers environmental activists terrorists
The Feminine Mystique 50 years later
The Obama administration has more than doubled, to about 21,000 names, its secret list of suspected terrorists who are banned from flying to or within the United States, including about 500 Americans
Easing the passage from prison
40,000 rally for climate change action
MSNBC is promoting a new doc on the lies that made the Iraq war. Ten years ago Prorev editor Sam Smith wrote a piece for Harpers entirely composed of these lies
FAA has approved over 1400 domestic drones since 2007
How charter schools rig the game
BBC out to censor the Internet
Virginia governor cuts hours for 10,000 workers to avoid Obamcare
On the road with gun owners
hard to think of a better organizing tool for the right than
the left's tribal antipathy to guns.
Study finds Tea Party was planned a decade ago backed by tobacco and fuel industries
What the bombing of Cambodia can teach us about drones
Pakistani journalist Mohammed Hanif recently argued that the strikes are not only radicalizing the population but are "creating a whole new generation of people who will grow up thinking that this is what happened to us and now, now we want revenge."
Another give away to the banks
States cut prison budgets but prison populations stay high
Great collection of Django Reinhardt recordings
Child Abuse: The charter school con hits
Where low paid workers
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