Undernews: March 28, 2013
Undernews: March 28, 2013
Since 1964, the news while there's still time to do something about it
Indiana court okays school vouchers
Major earthquake blamed on fracking
More than half of nation's rivers and streams are polluted
Harvard prof: Iraq & Afghan wars costing between $4-6 trillion
Code enforcers take on wilderness camp
Massive loss of British butterflies
Banks wrote off $3 billion student debt
Bottom 90% earning only $59 more than in 1966
ACLU challenges secret no fly list
Copyright czar would make illegal streaming a felony
Recovered history: The sanctity of marriage in the nation's capital
Why Katrinia type storms will become more common
Kerry concealing Keystone public comments
Media ignores Senate vote against cuts in Social Security
North Dakota sends abortion ban to voters
How to resuse underenrolled schools
Cyberfight putting drag on Internet
Charter schools: A dictator's idea
How the Democrats allow the Republicans to filbuster
The shameful reign of Michael Bloomberg
English court rejects attempt to block Israel boycott
Even Bill O'Reilly knocks opponents of same sex marriage
Actuaries see health insurance costs rising
The hazards of latinos in spring training in Arizona
Supreme Court: Police Dog Powers Do Not Include Warrantless Searches of a Person’s Home
One of every six American children has a parent that is either unemployed or underemployed, according to a new study from First Focus and the Urban Institute. Overall, 6.2 million children live in homes where at least one parent is unemployed; the total rises to 12.1 million when underemployment is included too.
In America you can say anything you want -- as long as it doesn't have any effect -- Paul Goodman
Pocket paradigm
The more we step into a paradigm of urban ecology, the more we find ourselves drifting closer to other things -- our work, our food, our environment, and our neighbors. Our sense of order no longer relies -- in the tradition of American city planners from L'Enfant to Robert Moses -- upon outward symmetry, illusions of order, and grandeur. Rather it seeks inner integration and grace. Our concept of the city steps away from the cold rigidity of the blueprint and comes closer to the joyful exuberance of a Richard Scarry drawing. We stop worrying about the sleek exterior of the car and concern ourselves with the less aesthetic but more essential engine. - Sam Smith
Camping outside the Supreme Court
Where the action is
Some problems with Common Core
Protesters promise mass arrests if Obama goes along with pipeline
Green Party to hold its annual meeting in Iowa
High school students beginning to rebel