Pacific Day and Night at NZ Embassy, Washington DC
Pacific Day and Night at NZ Embassy, Washington DC
Connie Lawn
June 20, 2013
A terrific Pacific Day and Night was held at the NZ Embassy, Washington, on June the 17th. It is the brainchild of NZ Ambassador Mike Moore, the Washington Pacific Committee, and many others. Jim McLay, NZ's Permanent Representative to the UN, also comes down from New York for the event. It is one of the hottest tickets in town! It is great to see, hear, and taste Pacific culture highlighted in the US Capitol.
Pacific Day starts with speeches and forums, which highlight the environment, trade, climate change, veterans problems, and other issues. This year the Forum was hosted by Dr. Ernie Bower of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and Henry Puna, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands and Chair of the Pacific Island Forum. Hersey Kyota, Ambassador of Palau, also coordinated and delivered remarks. They were joined by six others from the US and the Pacific.
Then, as a beautiful evening began, the delicious food was served and the entertainment began. An estimated 450 people attended, enjoying the singing and dancing. This is the next best thing to actually visiting NZ and the region!

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Ambassador Mike Moore and NZ Rep to UN Jim McLay

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Master of Ceremonies Ataahui Papa, and Hon Hersey Kyota, Dean of Pacific Diplomatic Corps invite guests to entertainment and food.