Poem: Egypt’s State of Emergency
Poem: Egypt’s State of Emergency
August 14, 2013
In the largest Arab
scores of people killed and hundreds injured –
numbers vary
by the source. Army cracks down on
demonstrators in pro-Morsi
sit-ins and demonstrations at
Rabaa Mosque in Nasr City of Cairo,
Nahda Square, near
Cairo University.
Hundreds of people arrested,
journalists detained
and the Rabaa field hospital
stormed by army and police. Then
they evacuate the
injured while
everyone is in the streets. With
water cannons, tear gas, snipers on high
dead and injured bodies flying in and out of cars,
bodies carried away, blood
on the ground.
With blood
on hands… where is the political process?
Violence is
a calculated escalation to force peace and order.
Now the
military declared a month-long state of
including Cairo, Alex and Suez, and curfew
every day begins at 7 PM. Today rail services
and banks closed. Egypt, a country paralyzed in politics,
where is the
power to build a country when there is
Where is the universal human right to peaceful
People of the Nile
the world is
Sonia Nettnin is a journalist who writes about social, political, economic, and cultural issues. Her focus is the Middle East.