Telecom NZ reports significant differences between the average data use depending on delivery technology.
Customers with VDSL or fibre plans chew through almost three times as much data per month as people with an ADSL account.
In October the average ADSL customer used 33GB while VDSL customers consumed 90GB and fibre customers got through 81GB.
Telecom NZ says while the number of VDSL and Fibre customers are small, there's a clear trend towards them choosing larger data plans.
Commenting on the numbers, the company says: "Anecdotally, the increase in data used is video traffic, particularly YouTube. This is accentuated by multiple devices in the home like smart phones and tablets."
That's true, although I noticed October was a particularly heavy month with major software upgrades to Windows, Macs and iOS devices.
[digitl 2013]