Walks on moon and water
Walks on moon and water
Don Franks
Jesus walked
on water, so the holy bible writ
He did it ‘cos his
mates off shore were getting in the shit
the waves of
Galilee were up, the skies were dark and dirty
it looked ok when they’d set sail around six
aboard their craft the twelve disciples really were
at sea
up on the bridge the water sloshed about up to the
they’d only got five life jackets, and two without
a whistle
no flares were in the locker, just some wine
and Paul’s epistle
On hearing his poor followers cry out
in deep distress
Jesus resolved to save them from their
self inflicted mess
He figured if he lost this lot his
teachings might not spread
And Christianity, like God,
might very soon be dead
So off walked Jesus to the boat
– he had these real big feet
And self belief in bucket
loads – he thought he was so neat
He really ran across
the waves, the way you skip flat stones
In seconds he was
on the boat, calming his buddies moans
So when folks say
that Jesus never walked across the brine
I just say, you
believe your stuff, and I’ll believe in mine
As far as
I’m concerned old Jesus walked across the sea
possible than Colin Craig ever getting a vote from