Vodafone launched its VDSL service with the lure of offering much faster copper broadband speeds at the same price as existing ADSL services. The company says VDSL users will pay the same as existing copper broadband users for the first 12 months of a contract.
The basic price of Vodafone VDSL is $85 a month for 80GB of data. This rises to $99 for 150GB and $109 for 250GB. You can buy these plans either with a home phone or as naked VDSL - that's without a home phone.
Vodafone offers discounts for On Account mobile users. The price of a home phone Vodafone VDSL package drops $10, while a naked VDSL plan connected to a mobile account comes with a $30 discount. In effect that means existing Vodafone customers can get VDSL for as little as $55 a month.
All these prices are $10 more after 12 months.
The company says Vodafone VDSL is available now to around 60 percent of New Zealand homes.
[digitl 2014]