Satire: Stone Peter, Craggy Colin and The White Man
How Humanity Stole The Power Of Saying Awful Things And Then Acting All Wronged When People Get Shocked By Them From The Gods
Satire by Lyndon HoodHear the song of my people.

Every worker in employment
the economic agents
Those involved in
Those rebuilding earthquake houses
involved in post-production
Looked up from their dairy
From their hammers and their ledgers
Looked up
from their tenuous contracts
When they heard it, heard it
Colin meant to steal the thunder,
Steal the
thunder of Stone Peter.*
Those dispensing social
Paused their grinding of poor faces
provides strong incentives)
Paused to marvel and to
At news that Craggy Colin
Aimed to steal Stone
Peter's thunder.
All the people of the nation
down a little lower
Thought that this might be a good
To turn off the news.
* Legendary troll king. Stone Peter was supposedly responsible of the thunderous, noisome storms of vapours seen in the land on a three-yearly cycles even during modern times (until the weather stopped being predictable for some reason). Also called 'The Kingmaker'. Stone Peter was a favorite among the elders of the tribe, which leads us to speculate he was used to scare children.
Even in his cloud-topped
News of Colin reached the one there —
after his tower, The White Man,
His white tower built of
Or maybe it was built of tusks:
Built of the
tusks of elephants —
Probably white elephants;
of that and not of bones.
But anyway, a tower.
Man thought that he would like to
Have the power of
Peter's thunder
He would like to be King-Maker.
he had got to thinking
There was not much air up so
If he was to keep his kingdom
He would need some
White Man came down from his tower:
He came
down to reach our level —
Descended there, or slightly
And he followed, silent, stealthy,
Colin on his
quest for thunder,
Followed Colin on his journey
Followed Colin to the shaman;
Heard as shaman
spoke to Colin
Of Peter’s thunder.
Peter’s thunder,
said the shaman,
Isn’t just a noise he’s
Not just noise from his own body.
When you make
noise from your body
And the people say it over
Repeat it to one another —
This is how you make
the thunder
Echo all around.
Stone Peter knows how to
do this:
Secretly he take the tsicar*;
he does not take it,
Will deny that he does take
Yet I see him use its power
In his
* We have the name of the tsicar but little is known of the nature of this apparently magical antediluvian herb, which - as viewed by these backwards people - seemed a sure source of power in an emergency. No modern vegetable matches the available descriptions. Or at least, none will admit to it. Traditionally, drinking a potion of the root was said to confer ignorance of good and evil; of evil in particular.
Tsicar will teach powerful
Policy that some will cleave to;
Policy that
all will speak of —
Echoes through the land like
thunder —
Maybe about immigration
Or some other
thing that’s foreign;
Or domestic race
Maybe to decry the privilege
Of the
underprivileged races
Or throw out the careful
Of their ancient wrong and grievance;
Or the
status of their culture.
Colin said, oh hey, that last
Sounds like just my thing.
Be warned ere you take
your journey
(Said the shaman to Crag
Strongest leaders use no tsicar
Wiser leaders shun the tsicar.
They do
sometimes have a try at
Economic nationalism:
Not the
same as xenophobia.
Those things are completely
Two things that have no relation;
Not the
same in any fashion.
People who support the one
Maybe would support the other –
That does not
make them the same thing.
How dare (he said, not to Colin
Maybe to the air, not Colin)
You imply
* Modern readers may be bewildered by the moral code expressed in this passage. While the distinctions are clearly critical to any understanding of the whole poem, even scholars remain divided on whether the distinction here is one of degree (some control on immigration and foreign control of land and tribal goods was ubiquitous at the time yet debates about how much apparently became quite impolite), one of emphasis (whether one couched one's arguments in terms of race, of the goodness/badness or the tribe/forgeiners or in some other more technical language) or one of effect (exactly what kind of foreigner your supporters are assumed to be thinking of).
If you wish to use the
If you wish to weild its power,
from me a certain warning.
You must drink it with
Weave a fog of deniability
Wear a thick
cloak of excuses
Or those who see you take the
Will attack you in your weakness.
If you
wear a fog and your cloak
Their weapons will not
Go, then, to the grove of tsicar.
first over the mountains.
Journey then across the
Always wading, never swimming —
Don't swim in
the river water.
Careful not to get the water
there onto your fingers:
If you get it on your
It might get into your mouth.
Maybe a boat
might be better:
See if you can find a boat.
Colin he
prepared to travel
He had bought himself a
Wouldn't use anyone else's
No-one else's would
do for him
Maybe no-one else would have him
It worked
out the same.
White Man rode upon a wagon
Broken down
and rusty wagon
Was the wagon of his fathers
One of
them once vanquished Peter
Thought that he had killed
Stone Peter
Made a prize-skin of Stone Peter*
Stone Peter did not stay dead
Some say that his soul was
Hidden in box of wine or
In an emerald-coloured
Peter returned three years later
Stronger than
* Hence the name of the epic which relates that legend, 'The Hide Saga'. The hero of that story is slain, before the return of Stone Peter, by a tsicar-addicted lame duck. This just goes to show that the puishment for hubris (or being, as the saga puts it, "too brash") is a constant in world myth.
White Man sought the groves of
Racing Colin to the tsicar
Wagon knew the
White Man snatched the tsicar
goblet —
Grabbed it opportunistically.
Colin said
Hey I had that first.
White Man drank from tsicar
White Man did not heed the warning —
Had no
fog of deniability,
His cloak of excuses threadbare
Had not heard the shaman's warning
He had gotten
bored by that point
He was more the principles
Wasn't very good on detail
In practical
When he drank from the tsicar
Didn't suit his constitution
After pure life in
the tower:
Bitter drink for him to swallow,
When he
drank from the tsicar cup
Everybody saw he'd
done it
When he tried to thunder at them
He got
* It is recorded elsewhere that if someone who claims to be pure of heart partakes of the tsicar they will turn into a troll. If they weren't one already.
But White Man he did not die
White Man called on his protector
Called the god
of his ancestors
He drew forth the Cup of Epsom*
drank from the magic vessel
And his god was heard to
To his ever-faithful servant:
Even if I cannot
save you
Know that under my protection
Comes your
servant, known as David.
If you see this sunset or
He’ll See More.**
* Magic cup of tea capable of sustaining life in those who are otherwise sure to perish. Sometimes takes the form of a double-edged sword.** Again, one might be uncertain about the morality at play here. None of the participants in the drama are sympathetic to a modern audience, and it is entirely unclear why The White Man, of any of them, should qualify for divine intervention. But it should be remembered that this is not a moral tale. Scholars disagree whether the story is intended to represent real events, or is an embellished version of some ritual the people of the tribe were put through every three years, or simply some kind of irrelevent slapstick sideshow with no effect on the main body of the mythology. Unfortunately, I consider the last option unlikely.
Then Stone Peter, steaming,
Came upon the like rocks falling
Came upon
them in his anger
Seeing they did steal his tsicar
Fearing they did waste the tsicar —
the goblet of the tsicar
Has, if drunk from by too
Not the strength to bring to power
Even one of
Ground there was extremely crowded
Very crowded
on the right side,
When they then began to battle
the power of the tsicar.
Stone Peter revealed his
true form
Shamelessly, his ugly true form;
with no cloak about him
Thundered with no fog around
His true troll-form, skin so stony
Would not feel
another burning:
Showing then his godlike power:
wielding of the tsicar
Daring others to attack
And then getting all upset when
Echoes say that is
appalling —
Then doing it again.
White Man he was a
quick learner:
First time that he made an echo
Angry echo from his tsicar —
He returned
it even louder,
Even at the risk of shouting
someone who didn’t matter
At someone who wasn’t
To the present mystic battle.
But White Man felt
maybe stronger,
So he shouted more.
But Stone Peter,
old and wily,
Battled for that angry power,
Power from
unfocused anger
Throughout the neglected
Tsicar draws that, makes it
Power of his thunder.
Colin he was not
Left out of climactic battle
So he swiftly
called his lawyers
Lawyers that he had on speed
Colin summoned an injuction
To join in the
From the existing documents it’s not really possible to say how this battle ends. In the christianised version of the myth they all go to Hell, which seems a pretty satisfactory resolution to me.
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