Through till the end of the observance of Lent 2015 Scoop will be publishing a serialisation of Katya Rivas’s “The Passion”. Readers can sign up to receive the serial by email at: To order a video about Katya’s work see…

The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Passion
Reflections that Jesus makes on the mystery of His suffering and the value it has on the Redemption.
Cochabamba — Bolivia
Spanish Editions: 1996 and 1998
English 1st Edition - November 1999
Rivas : Holy Week 2015 - Parts 16-20
Katya Rivas' Passion : Jesus Is Helped to
Carry the Cross
Monday, 23 March 2015, 8:55 am |
Katya Rivas
The soul who truly loves, does not keep count
of how much it has suffered or worked, nor does it expect
this or that reward, but it only searches for that which it
believes glorifies its God… For Him it spares neither
labors nor weariness. More >>
Katya Rivas' Passion : Jesus on His Way to
Friday, 20 March 2015, 3:57 pm | Katya
My Mother is My most beloved being on earth, and
not only can I not console her, but the sad state in which
she sees Me causes her heart a suffering as deep as Mine.
She allows a sob to escape. She receives in her heart the
death that I suffer in ... More >>
Katya Rivas' Passion: Jesus Forgives The
Greatest Sinners
Thursday, 19 March 2015, 9:16 am
| Katya Rivas
Soul that belongs to Me, do not pay
attention to the cruel enemy. As soon as you feel the
movement of grace at the beginning of your battle, come to
My Heart. Feel and watch how it pours a drop of its Blood
over your soul, and come to Me. More >>
Katya Rivas' Passion : Barrabas Is Set
Wednesday, 18 March 2015, 8:39 am | Katya
Thus when overcoming difficulties and revulsion,
the soul generously submits itself to the Will of God. There
comes a moment in which, intimately united to Him, the soul
enjoys the most indescribable sweetness. More >>
Katya Rivas' Passion : Jesus Is Crowned with
Tuesday, 17 March 2015, 10:51 am | Katya
I am tired; I have nowhere to rest. Lend Me your
heart and your arms to cover Myself in your love. I am cold
and feverish; embrace Me for an instant before they continue
destroying this temple of Love. More
NOTES: Through till the end of the observance of Lent
2015 Scoop, will be publishing a series of daily reflections
on the Passion from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas has
received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for
several books.. Readers can sign up to recieve daily
extracts from Katya Rivas’s writings by email at:
NOTICE: “Copyright© 2000 by The Great Crusade of Love
and Mercy. All rights reserved. This book is published in
coordination with The Apostolate of the New Evangelization.
Permission is granted to reproduce this book as a whole in
its entirety with no changes or additions and as long as the
reproduction and distribution is done solely on a non-profit
basis. This document is available at no cost online and can
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