Through till the end of the observance of Lent 2017 Scoop will be publishing a serialisation of Katya Rivas’s “The Passion”. Readers can sign up to receive the serial by email at: To order a video about Katya’s work see…

The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Passion
Reflections that Jesus makes on the mystery of His suffering and the value it has on the Redemption.
Cochabamba — Bolivia
Spanish Editions: 1996 and 1998
English 1st Edition - November 1999
Rivas' Passion : Jesus Looks for His
Extract 7Jesus
In spite of everything, the enormous weight and the terrible fatigue, together with the sweat of Blood, I had been hit in such a way that when I went to look for My Apostles, I felt tremendously exhausted.
Peter, John, James! Where are you that I do not see you alert? Wake up, look at My face, see how My Body trembles in this tribulation that I experience! Why do you sleep? Wake up and pray with Me; I have sweated Blood for you!
Peter, My chosen disciple, do you not care about My Passion?… James, to you I have given so much preference, look at Me and remember Me! And you John, why do you let yourself sink into sleep with the others? You can bear more than they… Do not sleep, keep watch and pray with Me!
This is what I obtained: seeking comfort, I found bitter affliction. Not even they are with Me. Where else shall I go?… It is true, My Father gave Me only that which I asked for, so that the judgment to all humanity would fall upon Me. My Father, help Me! You can do all; help Me!
I prayed again as a man for whom all hope has been destroyed and who seeks comprehension and comfort from on high. But what could My Father do if I had freely chosen to pay for everything? My election had not changed. Nevertheless, the natural resistance had come to such an excessive degree that My humanity was overwhelmed.
Again I fell to the ground on My face because of the shame of all your sins; again I asked My Father to take away that Chalice. But He answered that, if I did not drink from it, it would be as if I had not come to this world and for Me to console Myself because many creatures would take part in My agonies in the Garden.
I answered: Father, do not let My Will be done, but Yours. This Angel has assured Me of Your Love, and this brief joy that You have sent Me, has done a good deed even with My natural resistance. Give Me My creatures, those I have redeemed. You Yourself take them because for You I have accepted. I want to see You content. I offer You all My sufferings and My unchanging Will, that in truth is not in disagreement with Yours, because We have always been One… Father, I am destroyed but thus Our Love will be known. Your Will be done, not Mine!
Again I returned to wake My Disciples, but the rays of the Divine Justice had left Me in a permanent rut… They became filled with fright when they saw Me like a mad man, and the one who suffered the most was John. I, silent…they stunned… Only Peter had the courage to speak. Poor Peter, if he had only known that part of My agitation had been caused by him.
I had taken My three friends so that I could rest in them and in their love, so that they could help Me by sharing My anguish, and pray with Me… How do I describe what I felt when I saw them asleep?
How My Heart suffers even today and, wanting to find relief in My souls, I go to them and find them asleep. More than once, when I wanted to wake them and take them out of themselves, away from their worries. They answer Me, if not with words, with deeds: “Not now, I am too tired; I have too much to do; this is bad for My health; I need a little time; I want some peace.”
I insist and gently tell that soul: Do not fear. If for Me you leave your rest, I shall reward you. Come and pray with Me, only one hour! Look, this is the moment when I need you! If you stop, will you now be behind schedule? How many times I hear that same answer!
Poor soul, you have not been able to keep watch one hour with Me. Soon I will come and you shall not hear Me because you are asleep. I will want to give you the Grace but since you are asleep, you shall not be able to receive it. And who will make sure that later you will have the strength to wake up?… It is possible that deprived of food, your soul will be weak and you may not be able to come out from that lethargy.
Many souls have been surprised by death in the middle of a deep sleep and, where and how have they awakened?
Dear souls, I also want to teach you how useless and vain it is to look for relief in creatures. How often they are asleep and, instead of finding the relief that I look for in them, I leave with bitterness for they do not correspond to Our wishes nor to Our Love.
When I prayed to My Father and asked for help, My sad and abandoned soul was suffering the anguish of death. I felt overpowered with the weight of the worst ingratitude.
The Blood that poured out of all the pores of My Body and that in a short time would gush forth from all My wounds, would be useless for a great number of souls that would be lost. Many would offend Me and many would not know Me! Later I would spill My Blood for all and My merits would be applied to each one of them. Divine Blood! Infinite merits! And yet, useless for so many, many souls.
But by then I was already going to encounter other things, and My Will was bent to the fulfillment of My Passion.
Men, if I suffered, it has certainly not been without fruit nor without reason. The fruits that I have obtained have been Glory and Love. It is now up to you, with My help, to demonstrate to Me that you appreciate My work.
I never tire! Come to Me! Come to He who vibrates in Love for you and who only knows how to give you the real Love that reigns in Heaven and that transforms you now on earth.
Souls that taste My thirst, drink from My bitter and glorious Chalice, for I tell you that the Father wants to reserve some of the drops of this Chalice precisely for you. Think about these few drops taken from Me and then, if you believe, tell Me that you do not want them. I have not set limits and neither should you. I was destroyed without mercy. For love, you should allow Me to destroy your self-esteem.
I am He who works in you, just as My Father worked in Me when in the Garden.
I am He who gives you sufferings so that one day you may be happy. Be docile for a time; be docile in imitation of Me because this helps you greatly and it pleases Me a great deal. Do not lose anything, but rather acquire the love. How could I allow My beloved ones to suffer real losses while they try to show Me love?
I wait for you. I am always waiting and I shall not tire. Come to Me; come as you are, it does not matter as long as you come. Then you shall see that I will adorn your foreheads with jewels, with those drops of Blood that I spilled in Gethsemane - those drops are yours, if you want them. Come, soul, come to Jesus who calls you.
I said: My Father; I did not say: My God. This is what I want to teach you: when your heart suffers most, you should say “My Father” and ask Him for consolation. Show Him your sufferings, your fears, and with moans remind Him that you are His children. Tell Him that your soul can no longer bear it! Ask with a child’s trust and wait, for your Father will help you; He will give you and the souls who trust, the necessary strength to go through your tribulations…
This is the Chalice that I accepted and drained to its last drop. Everything to teach you, dear children, not to ever believe again that suffering is useless. If you do not see results always attained, yield your judgment and allow the Divine Will to be fulfilled within you.
I did not retreat. On the contrary, knowing that it was in the Garden where they had to apprehend Me, I stayed there. I did not want to flee from My enemies…
My daughter, tonight allow My Blood to irrigate and strengthen the roots of your littleness.
EDITOR’S NOTES: Through till the end of the observance of Lent 2017 Scoop, will be publishing a series of daily reflections on the Passion from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books.. Readers can sign up to receive daily extracts from Katya Rivas’s writings by email at:
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