PM's Post-Cabinet Press Conference 10/9/18: House Wins
PM's Post-Cabinet Press Conference 10/9/18: House Wins
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was joined at Monday's post-cabinet press conference by Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford to announced the first ballot for Kiwibuild homes.

She began the press conference in Te Reo Māori noting Te Wiki o te Reo and her aspiration her generation will be the last to regret not having the opportunity to learn the Māori language in schools. Questions ensued on the exact nature of the Government's goals for Te Reo in schools.
Ms Ardern also said she had discussing Ministers' obligations on the Official Information Act and record keeping with cabinet. Former Minister Clare Curran's ministerial correspondence using Gmail would be archived and made available on the same terms as other former ministers' information. There were also questions on Ardern's handling of Curran's demotion and resignation.
Other topics included Government statements around UK findings on Russian involvement in the Salisbury poisonings (see Foreign Minister Winston Peters' initial statement and Monday's followup), the Tax Working Group being reportedly unlikely to recommend a capital gains tax, the Crown-Māori partnership, and Australian attempts to qualify as Pacific Island Forum statement calling on the United States to return to the Paris climate agreement.
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