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Katya Rivas' Passion: Prison, Trial, Sentence - Parts 11-15

During Holy Week 2019 Scoop is publishing a serialisation of Katya Rivas’s “The Passion”. Readers can sign up to receive the serial by email at: To order a video about Katya’s work see…

The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization

The Passion

Reflections that Jesus makes on the mystery of His suffering and the value it has on the Redemption.
Cochabamba — Bolivia
Spanish Editions: 1996 and 1998
English 1st Edition - November 1999

Jesus Is Taken to Prison
Extract 11

Let us go on with this painful story, which you will manage to take to as many people as you can. I will enlighten you in the way in which it should be done.
When the soldiers took Me prisoner, Peter was half hidden in one of the patios amid the crowd. Our looks crossed; his eyes were disoriented, it was only for a fraction of a second and yet, I told him so much!… I saw him cry bitterly for his sin and with My Heart I told him: “The enemy has tried to possess you but I do not abandon you. I know that your heart has not denied Me. Be ready for the battle of the new day, for the renewed battles against spiritual darkness and ready yourself to take the good news. Goodbye, Peter."
How many times I look into the soul that has sinned, but does it look also? Not always do our eyes meet. How many times do I look at the soul and it does not look at Me; it does not see Me; it is blind…. I call it by its name and it does not answer Me. I send it a sorrow, a pain, so that it can come out of its sleep, but it does not want to wake up.
My beloved ones, if you do not look at Heaven, you shall live as beings deprived of motive. Raise your head and contemplate the Home that awaits you. Search for your God and you shall always find Him with His eyes fixed upon you, and in His look you shall find peace and life.
Contemplate Me in prison where I spent a great part of the night. The soldiers came to insult Me with words and deeds, pushing Me, hitting Me, making fun of My condition as a man.
Close to dawn, fed up with Me, they left Me alone tied up in a dark, humid and foul-smelling room, full of rats. I was tied in such a way that I had to be standing up or sitting on a pointed rock which was what they gave Me as a seat. My aching body was soon numbed with cold. I remembered the thousands of times that My Mother covered My Body, wrapping it up when I was cold… and I cried.
Now let us compare the Sanctuary with the prison and, above all, with the hearts of men. In prison I spent one night… how many nights do I spend in the Sanctuary?
In prison the soldiers, who were My enemies, injured Me; but in the Sanctuary I am badly treated and insulted by souls who call Me Father. In the prison I was cold, sleepy, hungry, ashamed, sad, aching, lonely, and abandoned. I could see, over the course of time, how in so many Sanctuaries I would not have the coat of love. So many frigid hearts would be for Me like the rock in the prison!
So many times I would be thirsty for love, thirsty for souls! So many days do I wait for such a soul to visit Me, to receive Me in its heart because I have spent the night alone and have thought about that soul in order to quench My thirst! So many times I hunger for My souls, for their fidelity, for their generosity!
Do they know how to calm this longing? When they have to undergo some suffering, will they know to tell Me: “this will help to ease Your sadness, to be with You in Your loneliness?” And, O! If at least united to Me and as long as you would console My Heart, you would endure it all with peace and be strengthened.
In prison I felt shame when I heard the horrible words that were said about Me, and that shame grew when I later saw that those same words would be repeated by beloved souls.
When those dirty and repugnant hands struck My face and hit Me, I saw how many times I would be hit and struck by so many souls who, without purifying themselves from sin, without cleaning their house with a good confession, would receive Me in their hearts. Those habitual sins would strike Me repeatedly.
When they would make Me get up by pushing Me, being without strength and because of the chains that bound Me, I would fall to the ground. I saw how so many souls, tying Me up with the chains of ingratitude, would let Me fall upon the stones renewing My shame and prolonging My loneliness.
Chosen souls, contemplate your Spouse in prison. Contemplate Me this night of such pain and consider that this pain is prolonged in the solitude of so many Sanctuaries, in the coldness of so many hearts.
If you want to give Me proof of your love, open your heart so I can make it My prison. Tie Me up with the chains of your love. Cover Me with your gentleness; feed Me with your kindness. Quench My thirst with your zeal. Console My sadness and abandonment with your faithful company. Make My shame disappear with your purity and honest intentions.
If you want Me to rest in you, avoid the tumult of your passions and in the silence of your soul, I shall sleep peacefully.
Now and then you will hear My voice that softly tells you: Spouse of Mine, now that you are My rest, I will be yours through eternity. To you, who provide Me the prison of your heart with so much dedication and love, I promise that My reward shall have no limits, and the sacrifices that you have made for Me during your life will not weigh you down.

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Jesus Is Taken before Herod
Extract 12

Pilate ordered that they take Me to the presence of Herod… He was a poor corrupt man who only searched for pleasure, allowing him to be driven to disorderly passions. He was glad to see Me come before his tribunal because he hoped to amuse himself with My words and miracles.
Consider, My children, the repulsion that I felt in the presence of the most repulsive of men, whose words, questions, and affected gestures covered Me with confusion. Pure and virginal souls, come to surround and defend your Spouse.
Herod expects Me to answer his sarcastic questions but I do not utter a word; I keep the most absolute silence before him. Not answering was the greatest proof of My dignity that I could give him. His obscene words were not worthy to cross with My pure ones. In the meantime, My Heart was infinitely united to My Heavenly Father. I was consumed with desire to give up even the last drop of My Blood for souls. The thought of every man, who later would follow Me, conquered by My example and generosity, ignited Me in love and, not only did I enjoy that terrible interrogation but I wanted to run to the torture of the Cross.

Jesus Is Taken Again before Pilate
Extract 13

I allowed them to treat Me as a mad man and they covered Me with a white tunic as a sign of their ridicule and their making fun of Me. Later, in the middle of furious mocking shouts, they took Me again before Pilate.
Watch how this bewildered and very confused man does not know what to do with Me. And to quiet the fury of the mob, he commands that they have Me scourged.
Represented in Pilate, I saw the souls that lack the courage and generosity to break away once and for all from the demands of the world and from their own nature. Instead of nipping the dangers of what their conscience tells them about not being of the world and of nature, their conscious mind tells them not to be of the good spirit. Then they give in to a whim, enjoy themselves in a passing satisfaction, and surrender in part to what their passion demands. And to silence the guilty feelings, they tell themselves: “I have already deprived myself of this or that, and that is enough.”
I will only say to this soul: “You scourge Me as did Pilate.” You have already taken one step, tomorrow another. Do you plan to satisfy your passion in this way? No! It shall soon demand more.
As you have not had the courage to fight your own nature in this small thing, much less will you have it later when the occasion shall be greater.

The Scourging of Jesus
Extract 14

Look at Me, My dear ones. Letting Myself be led with the meekness of a lamb to the terrible torture of the scourging. On My Body, already covered with blows and overwhelmed with fatigue, the executioners cruelly discharge terrible lashes with braided rope, with rods. I am punished with so much violence that that there was no part of Me which was not prey to the most terrible pain. The blows and the kicks caused immeasurable wounds… The rods tore away pieces of My skin and flesh. Blood oozed from all My members. Time after time I fell because of the pain caused by the blows to My manliness. My Body was in such a state that I resembled a monster more than a man. The features of My face had lost their shape; it was all swollen.
The thought of so many souls, who later were going to be inspired to follow My footsteps, consumed Me with Love.
While in prison I saw the faithful imitators learning from My meekness, patience, and serenity. Not only to accept the suffering and scorns, but even loving those who persecute them and, if necessary, sacrificing themselves for them as I sacrificed Myself.
During those hours of solitude in the midst of so much pain, I became inflamed, more and more, in My desire of perfectly completing My Father’s Will. How I offered Myself in reparation of His deeply offended Glory! Thus you, religious souls who find yourselves in the chosen prison for love, who more than once pass in the eyes of others as useless and possibly harmful creatures, do not be afraid. Let them shout against you and, during those hours of pain and solitude, unite your heart intimately with your God, the only object of your love. Repair His Glory violated by so many sins.

Jesus Is Sentenced to Death
Extract 15

At dawn Caiaphas ordered them to take Me to Pilate so that he might pronounce the sentence of death. Pilate questioned Me, hoping to find a reason to condemn Me, but at the same time his conscience tormented him and he felt great fear at the injustice that he was going to commit. Finally he found a way to ignore Me and had Me taken to Herod.
In Pilate are faithfully represented the souls who feel the movement of grace and at the same time their own passion, who are dominated by human respect and blinded by self love, and who allow the grace to pass for fear of being mocked.
I did not answer any of Pilate’s questions. But when he asked: “Are You the King of the Jews?”, then with seriousness and integrity, I answered: “You have said so, I am the King, but My kingdom is not of this world…” With these words I wanted to teach many souls how, when they are presented with the opportunity to endure suffering or a humiliation that could easily be avoided, they should answer with generosity: “My kingdom is not of this world…”. That is, I am not searching to be praised by men. My Home is not this one, yet I will rest where it really is. Now, be encouraged to fulfill My duty without taking into account the opinion of the world. What matters is not their esteem but to follow the voice of grace that drowns the lures of nature. If I am not able to conquer alone, I will ask for strength and counsel since, on many occasions, passions and excessive pride blind the soul and impel it to act wrongly.
The executioners who destroy My Body are not ten nor twenty. There are many hands that hurt My Body; receiving Communion in the hands - the sacrilegious work of Satan!
How can they contemplate Me in this sea of pain and bitterness without their hearts being moved with compassion? But it is not the executioners who have to console but you, chosen souls, so that My pain may be alleviated. Contemplate My wounds and see if there is anyone who has suffered as much as I, to show you their love.

EDITOR’S NOTES: During Holy Week 2019 Scoop is publishing a series of daily reflections on the Passion from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books.. Readers can sign up to receive daily extracts from Katya Rivas’s writings by email at:

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: “Copyright© 2000 by The Great Crusade of Love and Mercy. All rights reserved. This book is published in coordination with The Apostolate of the New Evangelization. Permission is granted to reproduce this book as a whole in its entirety with no changes or additions and as long as the reproduction and distribution is done solely on a non-profit basis. This document is available at no cost online and can be downloaded and printed from the following Web Sites: in English at: and Spanish at: http://www.grancruzada.orgPlease copy and
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