Once again, for Lent 2021 Scoop will be publishing a
serialisation of Katya Rivas’s “The Passion”. To order
a video about Katya’s work visit apleatohumanity.com

The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Passion
Reflections that Jesus makes on the mystery of His suffering and the value it has on the Redemption.
Cochabamba — Bolivia
Editions: 1996 and 1998 - English 1st Edition - November
Extract 5
The desire that all souls be clean
when they receive Me in the Sacrament of Love, led Me to
wash the feet of My Apostles. I also did it to represent the
Sacrament of Penance, in which the souls that have had the
misfortune of falling into sin, can wash themselves and
regain their lost purity.
By washing their feet, I wanted
to teach the souls that have apostolic tasks to humble
themselves and treat with tenderness the sinners and all the
souls who have been entrusted to them.
I wrapped Myself
in a cloth to teach them that, in order to be successful
with souls, one has to girdle oneself with mortification and
I wanted them to learn mutual charity and
how the faults they observe in their neighbor should be
purged, concealing them and always forgiving them without
ever disclosing their faults. The water that I poured over
My Apostles’ feet was a reflection of the zeal that
consumed My Heart in desiring the salvation of men.
that moment the Love that I felt for men was infinite and I
did not want to leave them orphans… In order to live with
you until the consummation of time and to show you My Love,
I wanted to be your breath, your life, your support, your
All! Then I saw all the souls that, in the course of time,
would be nourished by My Body and Blood, and I saw all the
divine effects that this nourishment would produce in many
That immaculate Blood would engender purity and
virginity in many souls; in others, it would light the fire
of love and zeal. Many martyrs of Love gathered at that hour
before My eyes and in My Heart! Many other souls, after
having committed many and serious sins and weakened by force
of passions, would come to Me to renew their strength with
the Bread of the strong!
How I would like to make known
the feelings of My Heart to all souls! How much I desire
that they know the Love I felt for them at the Cenacle when
I instituted the Holy Eucharist. Nobody could penetrate the
feelings in My Heart during those moments - feelings of
love, joy, tenderness… But greater was also the sorrow
that invaded My Heart.
Are you perhaps good ground for
the construction of a magnificent building? Yes and no…
Yes, because of the gifts that I have given you since birth;
no, because of the use that you have made of them. Do you
think that your ground is of suitable proportion to the
structure of the building that I raise? O, it is paltry!
Then, in spite of all the opposing elements that exist in
you, My calculations will not fail because it is My
handicraft to choose that which is poor for the intent that
I set Myself. I never make a mistake because I use artistry
and love. I construct actively without your realizing it.
Your own desire to know what I am doing serves Me to prove
to you that you cannot do or know anything without My
desiring it… It is time to work, do not ask Me for
anything because there is someone who thinks about you.
want to tell My souls the sorrow, the tremendous pain that
filled My Heart that night. Even though My joy was great in
becoming the Divine Nourishment of souls and man’s
companion till the end of time, and of seeing how many would
render Me homage of adoration, love, and reparation, great
was the sadness that caused Me to contemplate all those
souls that were to abandon Me at the Tabernacle and the many
that would doubt My presence in the Holy Eucharist.
how many hearts stained, dirty, and torn by sin I would have
to enter! And how My profaned Flesh and Blood, would become
the reason for the damnation of so many souls! You cannot
understand the way in which I contemplated all the
sacrileges, offences, and tremendous abominations that would
be committed against Me… the many hours that I would spend
alone in the Tabernacles. So many long nights! How many men
would reject the loving calls that would be directed to
For love of souls, I remain prisoner in the Holy
Eucharist, so that in your sorrows and sadness you can go to
console yourselves with the most tender of Hearts, with the
best of Fathers, with the most loyal friend. But that Love,
which is consumed for the good of mankind, is not going to
be returned.
I live amongst sinners to be their salvation
and life, their doctor and medicine; yet they, in return, in
spite of their sick nature, will distance themselves from
Me. They offend Me and scorn Me.
My children, poor
sinners! Do not distance yourselves from Me. I wait for you
night and day at the Tabernacle. I will not reproach your
crimes; I will not throw your sins in your face. What I will
do is to wash you with the Blood of My wounds. Do not be
afraid, come to Me. You do not know how much I love
And you, dear souls, why are you cold and
indifferent to My Love? I know you have to attend to the
needs of your family, your home, and of the world that
constantly calls for you. But, do you not have a moment to
come and give Me proof of your love and gratitude? Do not
let so many useless worries pull you away; reserve a moment
of your time to visit the Prisoner of Love. If your body is
sick, can you not find a few minutes to look for a physician
to cure you? Come to He who can give you the strength and
health of the soul. Give alms of love to this Divine Beggar,
who calls you, wants you, and waits for you.
These words
will produce the effect of a great reality in souls. They
will penetrate in the families, schools, religious
congregations, hospitals, prisons, and many souls will
succumb to My Love. My greatest pains come from the souls of
priests and nuns.
At the moment that I instituted the
Holy Eucharist, I saw all the privileged souls that would be
nourished with My Body and Blood and the effects produced in
To some, My Body would be a remedy to their
weakness. To others, a fire that would succeed in consuming
their miseries, inflaming them with love. Ah!… Those souls
gathered before Me will be an enormous garden in which every
plant produces a different flower, but all delight Me with
their scent. My Body will be the sun that brings them back
to life. I shall come to some to be consoled, to others to
hide, in others I will rest. If you only knew, beloved
souls, how easy it is to console, to hide, and to give rest
to God.
This God, who loves you with infinite Love after
freeing you from the bondage of sin, has planted in you the
incomparable grace of the religious vocation. He has brought
you in a mysterious way to the garden of His delights. This
God, your Redeemer, has become your spouse. He Himself
nourishes you with His Body so pure, and with His Blood, He
quenches your thirst. In Me you shall find rest and
O, little daughter! Why is it that so many
souls, after having been filled with so many blessings and
caresses, have to be the cause of such sadness in My Heart?
Am I not always the same? Have I changed for you? …. No! I
will never change, and I will love you with predilection and
tenderness till the end.
I know you are full of miseries,
but this will not keep from you My most tender looks and I
wait for you anxiously, not only to ease your miseries, but
also to fill you with My blessings.
If I ask for your
love, do not deny it to Me. It is very easy to love He who
is Love itself. If I ask for something dear to your nature,
I give you both the grace and the strength necessary so you
can be My comfort. Allow Me to come into your souls and, if
you do not find in them anything that is worthy of Me, tell
Me with humility and with confidence: “Lord, you can see
the fruit that this tree produces. Come and tell me what to
do, so that from now on it may bear the fruit that You
If the soul tells Me this with a real desire
of proving its love, I shall answer: “Dear soul, allow Me
to cultivate your love…”
Do you know the fruits that
you will obtain? The victory over your character will repair
offences; it will atone for faults. If you are not upset
when you are corrected and you accept it gladly, you will
bring about a change in those souls blinded by pride who
will humble themselves and ask for forgiveness.
This is
what I will do in your soul if you allow Me to work freely.
The garden will not flourish immediately, but you will give
great comfort to My Heart.
All this passed before Me when
I instituted the Eucharist and I was ignited with desire to
nourish the souls. I was not going to stay on Earth to live
with perfect beings, but rather to hold the weak and nourish
the children… I would make them grow, invigorate their
souls, and rest in their miseries, and their good desires
would console Me.
But within My elected ones there are
souls that cause Me sorrow. Will they all persevere? This is
the scream of pain that escapes from My Heart; this is the
moan that I want the souls to hear.
The Eternal Love is
looking for souls who may say new things about the old
truths already known. The infinite Love wants to create in
the bosom of humanity a tribunal of pure Mercy, not of
Justice. That is why the messages are multiplying all over
the world. Whoever understands this admires its work, takes
advantage of them, and helps others profit from them as
well. Whoever does not understand, keeps on being a slave of
the spirit that dies and is condemned.
To these I direct
My word of condemnation, because they hinder My Divine Work
and they become accomplices of the Devil.
When they
condemn, cover-up, and repress that which comes not from
mere creatures but from the Creator, their cleverness
produces pressure over their childlike minds. To those whom
I have called little ones, I reveal My knowledge, which on
the other hand, I hide from the proud.
Soul, allow Me to
pour Myself in you. Become a valve of My Heart because there
is always someone who stifles My
Jesus Does the Will of the
Extract 6
Of My
Passion I want you to consider above all, the bitterness
that was caused by My knowing the sins, that darkening the
mind of man, lead him to aberrations. Most of the time these
sins are accepted as a fruit of natural inclinations that,
it is said, cannot be opposed by one’s own will. Today,
many live in grave sin, blaming others or fate, without the
possibility of getting rid of them. I saw this in Gethsemane
and I knew the great evil that My soul would absorb. So many
are lost like that and how I suffered for them!
Thus by
My example, by washing their feet and becoming their Food, I
taught My Apostles to mutually support each other. The hour
was approaching for which the Son of God had been made man
and Redeemer of the human race; for which He was going to
spill His Blood and give His Life for the world.
At that
moment I wanted to be in prayer and give Myself to the Will
of My Father… It was then that My Will as a man conquered
the natural resistance to the great suffering prepared for
Me by Our Father, who you see was hurting more than Myself.
Then, among those lost souls, I surrendered My Own Soul in
order to repair that which had already become corrupt. My
Omnipotence can do all, but wants littleness upon which to
add of the other, and this littleness, I Myself offer it
with infinite Love.
My Passion… what a bottomless abyss
of bitterness within which it enclosed itself!
mistakenly remote is he who believes he comprehends it, yet
only thinks of the terrible sufferings of My Body.
daughter, I have reserved for you other scenes of the
intimate tragedies that I lived and I wish to share them
with you because you are one of those whom the Father gave
Me in the Garden.
Dear souls, learn from your Model that
the only necessary thing, even if your nature rebels, is to
submit yourself with humility and to surrender yourself to
fulfill the Will of God.
I also wanted to teach souls
that all-important acts must be prepared and revitalized
through prayer. In prayer the soul is fortified for the most
difficult things and God communicates with the soul, gives
it advice, and inspires it even when it (the soul) is not
aware of it.
I withdrew to the Garden with three of My
Disciples, in order to teach them that the three Powers of
the soul should accompany and help them in
Remember, from memory, the divine benefits, the
perfection of God: His Kindness, His Power, His Mercy, and
the Love that He has for you. Afterwards, look with
understanding on how to correspond to the marvels that He
has done for you…. Through prayer, in your retreat and
silence, allow your will to be moved to do more and the best
for God, and to be consecrated for the salvation of souls,
whether by means of your apostolic work or by your humble
and hidden life.
Prostrate yourselves humbly as creatures
in the presence of their Creator, and adore His designs over
you, whatever they may be, committing your will to the
Divine One.
In this way I offered Myself to fulfill the
work of redeeming the world. Ah! What a moment it was when I
felt all those torments come over Me, the torments I was to
suffer in My Passion: the slander, the insults, the
scourging, the kicks, the Crown of Thorns, the thirst, the
All that passed before My eyes at the same time
that an intense pain hurt My Heart; the offenses, the sins,
and the abominations that would be committed in the passing
of time. And I not only saw them, but I felt reinvested with
all those horrors, and in this way I presented Myself to My
Celestial Father to implore Mercy.
My little daughter, I
offered Myself as a lily to calm His anger and appease His
wrath. Nevertheless, with so many crimes and so many sins,
My human nature experienced a mortal agony to the point of
sweating blood.
Is it possible for this anguish and this
Blood to be useless for so many souls?… My Love was the
origin of My Passion. If I had not wanted it, who would have
been able to touch Me? I wanted it and to accomplish this, I
used the cruelest amongst men.
Before suffering, I knew
in Myself all suffering and I could evaluate it entirely.
But then, when I wanted to suffer, in addition to full
knowledge and appraisal, I had the human sensation of all
sufferings. I took all of them.
Speaking of My Passion, I
cannot go into so much detail. Other times I have done so
and you cannot understand it. Because of your human nature,
you could not begin to understand the enormous extent of the
pains that I have suffered.
Yes, I illuminate you, but I
stay within a limit beyond which you cannot advance. Only to
My Mother did I make known all My pains, that is why she
suffered them more than anyone.
But today the world will
know more than I have allowed up to now, because My Father
wants it this way. For that reason, a ray of love flourishes
in My Church because of all the changing circumstances that
took Me from the Garden to Calvary. More than to anyone
else, I manifest My Passion to the loved ones I had in the
Garden. They are able to mention something that adapts to
the mind of present-day travelers. And if they can, they
should do it. That is why you should write all that I tell
you, little one, for you and for many others, in comfort for
the souls and for the Glory of the Holy Trinity who desires
that My suffering in Gethsemane be known.
My soul is sad
until death. While the sadness of not being physically well
could be the cause of death, I wanted to experience the
sadness of the spirit, which consisted of the complete
absence of the influence of the Divinity and the
heartbreaking presence of the causes of My Passion.
In My
Spirit, which was agonizing unto death, were present all the
reasons that impelled Me to bring Love to earth. Foremost
were the offenses made against My suffering Divinity as a
man, yet with the consciousness of God. You cannot find
anything like this type of suffering because the man who
sins understands, with My light, the part that corresponds
to him and many times, imperfectly, he does not see what sin
is like in front of Me. For that reason, it is clear that
only God can know the importance of an offense done to
Nevertheless, humanity should be able to offer
complete knowledge, true sorrow, and repentance to the
Divinity, and I can let humanity do so whenever it wishes. I
do this in fact by offering My knowledge that has worked
within Me, a man, a human who bore the offenses against
This was My wish: that through Me, the repented
sinner would have the way of presenting to his God the
knowledge of the committed offense, and that I, in My
Divinity, could also receive the full understanding of what
he has done against Me.
Enough for today, you do not know
how much you console Me when you give yourself to Me with
entire abandonment… Not everyday can I talk to souls…
Let Me tell you, for them, My secrets!… Let Me make use of
your days and nights!
I was sad unto death because I
could see everywhere the huge accumulation of the offenses
committed. And if for one I experienced a death without
comparison, what could I have experienced for the
combination of all the offences? “Sad is My Soul unto
death…” a sadness which produced in Me the abandonment
of all strength; a sadness which had as a center in Me the
Divinity towards which would converge the tide of the faults
and the stench of the souls corroded by all types of vices.
For that reason, I was at the same time target and arrow -
as God, the target, and as man, the arrow. As soon as I had
absorbed all sin, I appeared before My Father as the only
offender. Greater sadness than this could not exist, and I
wanted to take all of it, for the Love of the Father, and
for Mercy to all of you.
If he does not pay attention to
this matter, man ponders in vain over the meaning of these
words, which include all My essence as God and Man. Look at
Me in this gigantic prison of spirit. Do I not deserve love
if I struggled and suffered so much? Do I not deserve for
creatures to count on Me as their own, knowing that I give
Myself entirely without reserve? Drink all of you from My
inexhaustible fountain of goodness. Drink! I offer you My
sadness in the Garden; give Me your sadness, all your
sadness. I want to make of your sadness a bouquet of
violets, whose perfume is constantly directed toward My
“Father, if it is possible, take this Cup
away from Me, but let not My Will but Yours be done.” I
said this in the height of bitterness, when the load that
weighed upon Me had become so bloody that My Soul found
itself in the most unbelievable darkness. I said it to the
Father because, upon assuming all the blame, I presented
Myself before Him as the only sinner against whom all His
Divine Justice was discharged. And feeling deprived of My
Divinity, only humanity appeared before Me.
Take from Me,
O Father, this extremely bitter Chalice that You present to
Me, and that I accepted for Your Love when I came to this
world. I have arrived at a point in which I do not even
recognize Myself. You, O Father, who loves Me, have made sin
My inheritance and this makes My presence before You
unbearable. The ingratitude of human beings is known to Me
but how will I endure seeing Myself alone? My God, have pity
of the great solitude in which I find Myself. Why do even
You want to abandon Me? What help shall I find then in such
great desolation? Why do You also strike Me this way? Yes,
You deprive Me of You. I feel like I am going down into such
an abyss that I do not even recognize your hand in such a
tragic situation. The Blood that oozes out of My Body gives
You testimony of My annihilation under Your powerful
Thus, I cried; I fell. But then I continued: It is
just, Holy Father, that You do of Me what You want. My life
is not Mine, it belongs totally to You. I do not want that
My Will be done, but rather Yours. I have accepted a death
on the Cross, I accept also the apparent death of My
It is just. All this I should give You and,
before everything, I should offer You the holocaust of My
Divinity which unites Me to You. Yes, Father, with the Blood
that You see, I confirm My donation and My acceptance: Your
Will be done, not Mine…
Looks for His Disciples
In spite of everything, the enormous
weight and the terrible fatigue, together with the sweat of
Blood, I had been hit in such a way that when I went to look
for My Apostles, I felt tremendously exhausted.
John, James! Where are you that I do not see you alert? Wake
up, look at My face, see how My Body trembles in this
tribulation that I experience! Why do you sleep? Wake up and
pray with Me; I have sweated Blood for you!
Peter, My
chosen disciple, do you not care about My Passion?… James,
to you I have given so much preference, look at Me and
remember Me! And you John, why do you let yourself sink into
sleep with the others? You can bear more than they… Do not
sleep, keep watch and pray with Me!
This is what I
obtained: seeking comfort, I found bitter affliction. Not
even they are with Me. Where else shall I go?… It is true,
My Father gave Me only that which I asked for, so that the
judgment to all humanity would fall upon Me. My Father, help
Me! You can do all; help Me!
I prayed again as a man for
whom all hope has been destroyed and who seeks comprehension
and comfort from on high. But what could My Father do if I
had freely chosen to pay for everything? My election had not
changed. Nevertheless, the natural resistance had come to
such an excessive degree that My humanity was
Again I fell to the ground on My face
because of the shame of all your sins; again I asked My
Father to take away that Chalice. But He answered that, if I
did not drink from it, it would be as if I had not come to
this world and for Me to console Myself because many
creatures would take part in My agonies in the Garden.
answered: Father, do not let My Will be done, but Yours.
This Angel has assured Me of Your Love, and this brief joy
that You have sent Me, has done a good deed even with My
natural resistance. Give Me My creatures, those I have
redeemed. You Yourself take them because for You I have
accepted. I want to see You content. I offer You all My
sufferings and My unchanging Will, that in truth is not in
disagreement with Yours, because We have always been One…
Father, I am destroyed but thus Our Love will be known. Your
Will be done, not Mine!
Again I returned to wake My
Disciples, but the rays of the Divine Justice had left Me in
a permanent rut… They became filled with fright when they
saw Me like a mad man, and the one who suffered the most was
John. I, silent…they stunned… Only Peter had the courage
to speak. Poor Peter, if he had only known that part of My
agitation had been caused by him.
I had taken My three
friends so that I could rest in them and in their love, so
that they could help Me by sharing My anguish, and pray with
Me… How do I describe what I felt when I saw them
How My Heart suffers even today and, wanting to
find relief in My souls, I go to them and find them asleep.
More than once, when I wanted to wake them and take them out
of themselves, away from their worries. They answer Me, if
not with words, with deeds: “Not now, I am too tired; I
have too much to do; this is bad for My health; I need a
little time; I want some peace.”
I insist and gently
tell that soul: Do not fear. If for Me you leave your rest,
I shall reward you. Come and pray with Me, only one hour!
Look, this is the moment when I need you! If you stop, will
you now be behind schedule? How many times I hear that same
Poor soul, you have not been able to keep watch
one hour with Me. Soon I will come and you shall not hear Me
because you are asleep. I will want to give you the Grace
but since you are asleep, you shall not be able to receive
it. And who will make sure that later you will have the
strength to wake up?… It is possible that deprived of
food, your soul will be weak and you may not be able to come
out from that lethargy.
Many souls have been surprised by
death in the middle of a deep sleep and, where and how have
they awakened?
Dear souls, I also want to teach you how
useless and vain it is to look for relief in creatures. How
often they are asleep and, instead of finding the relief
that I look for in them, I leave with bitterness for they do
not correspond to Our wishes nor to Our Love.
When I
prayed to My Father and asked for help, My sad and abandoned
soul was suffering the anguish of death. I felt overpowered
with the weight of the worst ingratitude.
The Blood that
poured out of all the pores of My Body and that in a short
time would gush forth from all My wounds, would be useless
for a great number of souls that would be lost. Many would
offend Me and many would not know Me! Later I would spill My
Blood for all and My merits would be applied to each one of
them. Divine Blood! Infinite merits! And yet, useless for so
many, many souls.
But by then I was already going to
encounter other things, and My Will was bent to the
fulfillment of My Passion.
Men, if I suffered, it has
certainly not been without fruit nor without reason. The
fruits that I have obtained have been Glory and Love. It is
now up to you, with My help, to demonstrate to Me that you
appreciate My work.
I never tire! Come to Me! Come to He
who vibrates in Love for you and who only knows how to give
you the real Love that reigns in Heaven and that transforms
you now on earth.
Souls that taste My thirst, drink from
My bitter and glorious Chalice, for I tell you that the
Father wants to reserve some of the drops of this Chalice
precisely for you. Think about these few drops taken from Me
and then, if you believe, tell Me that you do not want them.
I have not set limits and neither should you. I was
destroyed without mercy. For love, you should allow Me to
destroy your self-esteem.
I am He who works in you, just
as My Father worked in Me when in the Garden.
I am He who
gives you sufferings so that one day you may be happy. Be
docile for a time; be docile in imitation of Me because this
helps you greatly and it pleases Me a great deal. Do not
lose anything, but rather acquire the love. How could I
allow My beloved ones to suffer real losses while they try
to show Me love?
I wait for you. I am always waiting and
I shall not tire. Come to Me; come as you are, it does not
matter as long as you come. Then you shall see that I will
adorn your foreheads with jewels, with those drops of Blood
that I spilled in Gethsemane - those drops are yours, if you
want them. Come, soul, come to Jesus who calls you.
said: My Father; I did not say: My God. This is what I want
to teach you: when your heart suffers most, you should say
“My Father” and ask Him for consolation. Show Him your
sufferings, your fears, and with moans remind Him that you
are His children. Tell Him that your soul can no longer bear
it! Ask with a child’s trust and wait, for your Father
will help you; He will give you and the souls who trust, the
necessary strength to go through your
This is the Chalice that I accepted and
drained to its last drop. Everything to teach you, dear
children, not to ever believe again that suffering is
useless. If you do not see results always attained, yield
your judgment and allow the Divine Will to be fulfilled
within you.
I did not retreat. On the contrary, knowing
that it was in the Garden where they had to apprehend Me, I
stayed there. I did not want to flee from My
My daughter, tonight allow My Blood to
irrigate and strengthen the roots of your
EDITOR’S NOTES: Once again for Lent 2021 Scoop is publishing a series of daily reflections on the Passion from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books.. To order a video about Katya’s work visit… apleatohumanity.com
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