Note: Green Party Campaign Director Chennoah Walford sent a clarification of what occurred with the Green Party local government facebook advertisements 1 August 2023. “These ads had the wrong "sponsored by" statement on them but they were 100% paid for by the Party. No Parliamentary money was used to pay for them.”
The Green Party, in 2022, used parliamentary funding to push social media ads supporting Green Party local government candidates according to the Taxpayer’s Union.
Political parties can not use parliamentary funding for ‘electioneering’ and the funds must be used for parliamentary purposes. Putting out advertisements urging Green Party supporters to ‘find’ their local Green Party candidates and Vote Green in 2022 appear to be clear breaches of parliamentary funding rules.
The Politics from Canterbury podcast chatted to the Taxpayer’s eagle-eyed porcine mascot ‘Porky’ and researcher Oliver Bryan about what Mr Bryan considered was both a breach of Speaker's directions and Auditor-General's guidance on parliamentary funding.