Scoop Images: The President 's Men
The President’s Men – photo Jason Dorday – photo Jason Dorday
Notes To Pics:
“Two images of the secret service which is flanking Clinton's movements.
“The one of the black vehicle is a sinister bunch of guys who race up and down the road at about 90 kms/hr do 360s and then pull curbside and watch from behind their black tinted windows. Very creepy dudes.
When the US president was on walkabout yesterday, one poor unfortunate Kiwi received a cellphone call just as the President strolled nearer. The Kiwi fella reached into his pocket to retrieve his call when a very low-toned American voice said: "I wouldn't reach into your pocket at this time if I were you sir!" Needless to say the poor Kiwi fella quaked like an Aucklander on Karori hill during tremor time.”