National Radio Midday Bulletin
Sharemarket Drops - Cpi Up - Cervical Inquiry - Air Injuries - Warriors Brawl - Party Hopping Bill - Mayday 2k Protests - Zimbabwe Farmers - Albanian Refugees- Petrol Dowsing - Cardiac Companions
SHAREMARKET DROPS: The local sharemarket opened sharply lower today. In the first hour the NZSE40 index fell around 5 per cent dropping to 1973, this morning. The index has since recovered and analysts do not expect to be sure of how the market will react until tommorrow.
CPI UP: Consumer prices have recorded their sharpest quarterly rise for some time in measurements for the past three months. Among the sharpest price rises in the March quarter were petrol and food.
CERVICAL INQUIRY: The Gisborne Cervical Screening Inquiry has heard that funding could not be withheld from Laboratories who did not initially register for quality control assessment programmes.
AIR INJURIES: Seven passengers from a Korean Air flight landing in New Zealand have been treated in hospital due to turbulence injuries.
GE INQUIRY: The Government is planning to announce the terms of reference for the Royal Inquiry into Genetic engineering today.
WARRIORS BRAWL: The Auckland Warriors could face a suspected fine of up to $500,000 after a brawl broke out in North Australia where a cheerleader was injured.
PARTY HOPPING BILL: The Green Party is siding with National and ACT to try a defeat a bill which would force MP’s who leave their party to leave Parliament.
MAYDAY 2K PROTESTS: In Washington Police have arrested around 700 demonstrators protesting against the meeting between the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in Washington. Police used pepper spray and tear-gas to disperse them.
ZIMBABWE FARMERS: At least 50 white Zimbabwe farmers have left the country after recent deaths after Zimbabwe war veterans occupation of white-owned farms.
ALBANIAN REFUGEES: Most of the Kosovo Albanian refugees in Australia have left the country for their homeland today after delays.
VARROA MITE: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Staff have identified two more areas of concern in their quest to eliminate the Varroa bee mite from bee populations in the North Island. Whangarei and Great Barrier Island are thought to be from high to medium risk.
PETROL DOWSING: An Auckland women is to stand trial in the High Court over assault charges and grievous bodily harm after a 10-year-old boy was dowsed in petrol.
COMPANIONS: Neil Colombus, chairman of the Cardiac
Companions Group in Christchurch, which lobbied for heart
patients, died over the weekend at