TV1 6pm News Headlines (First Segment)
Baby’s Beaten - Social Workers Responsible - Wairarapa Toddler Investigation - Brash & Interest Rates - Shipley On Todd On Cocaine - IOC Finalises Drug Testing - NZ Police Fight Olympic Terrorism - Avalanche Rescue Dogs
BABY’S BEATEN - SOCIAL WORKERS RESPONSIBLE: Social workers are to blame for the serious injuries to a baby Northland girl, say the girl’s parents. The two-year-old girl was taken from her parents and put into the care of her grandmother by Child Youth & Family. Police have now charged the woman with assaulting the baby.
- WAIRARAPA TODDLER INVESTIGATION: Police investigating the death of a Wairarapa toddler say their investigations are being hampered by several key witnesses who won’t talk to them.
- BRASH & INTEREST RATES: Reserve Bank Governor Don Brash says he will not increase interest rates if unions-do not push for higher wage settlements following a rise in the cost of living. Brash is likely to increase interest rates after the inflationary rise in petrol prices.
- SHIPLEY ON TODD ON COCAINE: National leader Jenny Shipley is the second party leader to call on Olympic hopeful equestrian Mark Todd to confirm or deny allegations he took cocaine. Meanwhile, a former NZ Olympic Committee head has said politicians have no business getting involved in the issue.
- IOC FINALISES DRUG TESTING: The International Olympic Committee has made a strong statement on illegal performance enhancing drugs in sport as they finalised the system for the EPO drug tests.
- NZ POLICE FIGHT OLYMPIC TERRORISM: A contingent of New Zealand police are going to help their contemporaries in New South Wales. The officers will guard against anti-terrorist action at the Sydney Olympics.
RESCUE DOGS: Dogs in Southland are being trained to rescue
people trapped under the snow by