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Scoop Top 30 Weekend Ratings

The Weekend’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?

MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.

2: NGOs Claim Israeli Agent Barkan In North Korea

Zev Barkan the suspected Israeli Mossad agent on the run from New Zealand Police has been sighted in North Korea, according to an Asian-based NGO closely linked to New Zealand intelligence networks.

3: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes

The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.

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4: Inforapound - Mossad Madness

Huge things are going on in little old NZ. You know this is the case when you turn on CNN and there is Helen Clark (our Helen!) drawling in nuu zeelund to all the world. A quick switch of the remote and there she is doing the same thing on BBC world. ...

5: Iraq Must Protect And Promote Women's Rights

The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women is preparing a statement urging the new Iraqi authorities to ensure gender equality throughout the process of political transition and reconstruction, its chairperson said today at United ...

6: Cheney Lobbied Against Iran Sanctions In 1996

Vice President Dick Cheney is a bad guy. He can toss around the F-word all he wants in response to the criticism directed at him as a result of his close ties to Halliburton, the company he headed from 1995-2000, but he can't hide from the truth.

7: Black Americans Discovered By Democratic Party

Like Christopher Columbus blinking in shock at first seeing an American Indian, John Kerry has just discovered African-American voters.

8: Scoop Archive: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?

MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.

9: George W. Bush’s Lasting Legacy to America (1)

At no worse time in America’s history could we have been cursed with such failure, ineptitude and incompetence at leadership as we presently find ourselves infected with.

10: Images: Scoop Fahrenheit 9/11 Preview

Scoop's Fahrenheit 9/11 preview screening went ahead virtually without a hitch on Friday night, raising a couple of hundred dollars for Indymedia Aotearoa.

11: Big News: Prostitution Laws And Sex On The Street

I think people seem to have got the wrong idea about the Prostitution Law Reform Act. It was not supposed to legalise prostitution or get rid of street prostitutes. It was to decriminalise prostitution and make sex work safer within the prostitution ...

12: Images: Lord Of The Rings Exhibition At Te Papa

In anticipation of the release of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, the central instalment in writer/director/producer Peter Jackson's epic trilogy based on the J.R.R. Tolkien masterpiece, Te Papa proudly announces a world exclusive and a bold ...

13: Bolivia Innovates: Boyle Mariotte Gas Law Restated

The July 18th referendum in Bolivia is likely to be a shortlived, temporary setback for radical opponents of the government of President Mesa. Their call for a mass boycott failed. The government was able to promote an effective propaganda campaign ...

14: Justice Paterson For The Next SIS Inspector-Gen.?

As of Friday 16 July, a High Court decision from Justice Paterson means that anyone subject to a Security Risk Certificate will be detained indefinitely, without bail and without recourse to Habeas Corpus

15: Public Statement Regarding Jonah Lomu

In June 2002 TV3 used a photo of Jonah Lomu and two other All Black players to promote its free-to-air coverage of the All Blacks’ 2002 Rugby Campaign. The use of Lomu’s photo led to the issue of court proceedings against TV3 by Jonah Lomu and his management ...

16: UN Assists Peru After Snowstorms Threaten Lives

United Nations emergency relief programmes are channelling money, food and warm clothes to Peruvians today after snowstorms, accompanied by strong freezing winds, have destroyed more than 3,000 houses and threatened the survival of more than 150,000 people in ...

17: Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program

Publication of this story marks a watershed in American political history. It is offered freely for publication in full or part on any and all internet forums, blogs and noticeboards. All other media are also encouraged to utilise material. Readers ...

18: Chuckman Cartoon: John Kerry, Bush Lite

Cartoon by John Chuckman

19: Scoop Archive: UQ Wire:Feds Knew About 911 Bribery Before Attacks

Homeland Security whistleblower Mary Schneider is naming names, revealing that former FBI Director Louis Freeh, Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI Director Robert Mueller and numerous U.S. senators and congressmen knew before the September 11 attacks that ...

20: Steve Weissman: Americans, The Missionary Position

Left, right, or center, Americans like to believe we have a mission, that ''the shining city on a hill'' - as Ronald Reagan quoted our Pilgrim Fathers - stands as a universal beacon to the world.

21: Global Peace And Justice Auckland Newsletter #65

Website Contact details: Forums - John Minto, (09) 846 3173,; Newsletter Editor - Mike Treen 0212547440 / 3616989 Web page - Bruce Hubbard (09) 6232667 or 027 256 3933 ...

22: The world’s best preserved ancient corpses

Two thousand year old corpses able to be autopsied as if they were recently dead feature in a NHNZ documentary, The Diva Mummy. The programme reveals three tombs, each from a similar period and geographic location.

23: 100% Spam Free Email Filtering Option Offered

MAXNET, a leading second tier Internet Service Provider (ISP) is delighted with the customer response to its highly advanced virus and spam filtering product – MAIL GUARDIAN.

24: Diebold Memos Disclose Florida 2000 E-Voting Fraud

Something very strange happened in Volusia County on election night November 2000, the night that first Gore won Florida, then Bush, and then as everybody can so well remember there was a tie.

25: Terror alert: Gulf States and Arabian peninsula

We have received information regarding increased risk of terrorist attack in the Gulf States and the countries of the Arabian peninsula.

26: Scoop Link: Georgia Leader Shevardnadze Quits

TBILISI (Reuters) - Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze, once a hero in the West and increasingly the villain at home, has quit, driven from office in what his opponents called a "velvet revolution". Shevardnadze: "I see that all this cannot ...

27: Scoop: Top Scoops + Just Politics

High Court Judgment Means NZ's Head-Spook Becomes The Jailer - Tainui Announces $15.8 Million Profit - WSPA Concerned Over Cruelty Aspects To Whaling - Scoop Exclusive: NGOs Say Barkan In North Korea - 95bFM's Simon Pound Considers "Mossad Madness" Downunder ...

28: Dunne: Local Govt Forum is ACT in drag

The Local Government Forum still does not get it, United Future leader Peter Dunne said today. United Future's plan to take the GST off rates is about helping low and fixed income property owners hit by high property rates because of the explosion ...

29: Public Address 23/07/04 - T'ings & Times

With the 9/11 commission report offering, as these things tend to, a little something for everyone, the public and commentators will presumably be urged by the White House to move on from all the unpleasantness...

30: UQ Wire: Connecting The Dots Bush..Bath..Bin Laden

Saudi Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz, an Osama bin Laden benefactor, has laundered money into tax-exempt U.S. entities for years as a foreign financier of terrorism. But a new 9/11 lawsuit is thrusting Mahfouz’s latent past business links to George W. ...


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