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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: UQ Wire: Sibel Edmonds Letter To Thomas Kean

It has been almost three years since the terrorist attacks on September 11; during which time we, the people, have been placed under a constant threat of terror and asked to exercise vigilance in our daily lives.

2: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?

MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.

3: Terrorist Warnings Another Way To Steal Election

It's official. I'm a conspiracy theorist. I'm probably one of thousands-maybe tens of thousands-who believe President George W. Bush will do anything to retain control of the White House. It's not safe to have a healthy dose of skepticism like this ...
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4: Questions & Answers for Oral Answer 3 August 2004

1. Unemployment Benefit—Sickness Benefit 2. Schools—Character Education Programme 3. Mâori Language Commissioner—Foreshore and Seabed Bill 4. Solid Energy—Ministerial Confidence 5. Race Relations, Coordinating Minister—Indigenous Status 6. State Sector ...

5: UQ Wire: Senator Dayton says: "NORAD lied"

CONTENTS: 1) Commentary on Sen. Dayton accusation of NORAD lying and Challenge to President Bush 2) Star-Tribune article on Dayton's breaking the ice on Capital Hill 3) My Letters to Dayton and Kennedy regarding need for balance in 9/11 hearings.

6: Anal Rape Crisis Orchestrated By Chief Censor

Chief Censor Mr Bill Hastings has granted a general R18 cinema release to a French sex-violence film called ''Irreversible'' depicting a nine minute brutal anal rape of a young pregnant woman by a drug-crazed homosexual who fantasises during the rape ...

7: WashPost & NYT Report Latest Terror Alert Is Bogus

Further to Jason Leopold's commentary published earlier today on Scoop - opining that the latest terror alert from the US Department of Homeland Security (issued Sunday) was probably bogus, America's two leading newspapers have just published ...

8: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes

The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.

9: Questions for Oral Answer - 4 August 2004

Questions to Ministers 1. JEANETTE FITZSIMONS to the Minister for the Environment: Does the Government support direct referral to the Environment Court under the Resource Management Act 1991 for major projects; if so, why?

10: Maori need not apply

Green MP Metiria Turei is warning that the public service is going to have a lot of vacancies to fill if it continues to insist on gagging Maori from speaking out about issues that vitally affect them.

11: Future Lefts – 'Why the Right are just so Rotten'

In this Edition: Editorial: What Next? Article: Political Correctness or Economic Dogma – Which Has Done More to Damage our Social Fabric? Article: Leo Strauss and the New Right Article: Uncivility: The Maxim Institute, David Green and Hijacking ...

12: David Stratman: Inventing the Enemy

It used to be said during the Cold War that, ''If the Communist threat did not exist, the US would have to invent it.'' The threat of nuclear war and the notion of a Communist (or capitalist) under every bed provided American and Soviet ruling elites excellent ...

13: Letter To The Editor Via Maxim's Spam Machine

Its about time New Zealander's woke up to the Christian Fundamentalist agenda slowly working its way through our society. This letter was drafted on the Maxim Institutes "Letter Spammer" to enable sending letters to a large number of publications. ...

14: Bring It On, Says Franks

ACT New Zealand Maori Affairs Spokesman Stephen Franks today responded to Tariana Turia's lodging of a complaint of Parliamentary privilege against him by invoking the words of her former leader Helen Clark - "Bring it on".

15: MFAT Releases Previously Restricted Files

Correspondence from the New Zealand public on international issues such as nuclear ship visits and the Vietnam War are among nearly 2400 files being released for public access under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s ongoing review of restricted ...

16: Diplomats Pressser Middle East Peace August 2, 200

Introduction by Sara Powell, Administrative and Public Relations director for the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.

17: Scoop Archive: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?

MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.

18: Govt must take responsibility for SOE’s poison

Green Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says Mark Burton’s answers to her parliamentary questions today on Solid Energy’s environmental record at the Stockton Mine don’t match with what she saw just a few days ago.

19: Letter to Europe: America's Weird Election Dance

You write that you're ''confused'' about how we American progressives can possibly nominate what you call a ''militarist candidate'', when the bulk of the Democratic Party -- and the population at large -- is opposed to the war in Iraq.

20: Maori Language Commission board releases statement

The Maori Language Commission Board acknowledges that it is in the centre of a political, legal and media storm;

21: Microsoft security update - Mon, 2 Aug 2004

On Friday (US time), Microsoft announced a cumulative security update for Microsoft Internet Explorer impacting both consumer and enterprise users. The update is replacing a recent cumulative update provided in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-004. (

22: PM's Presser: Civil War, Brash & Being Kiwi

In This Edition: Maori Language Commission CEO Haami Piripi's Foreshore & Seabed Submission Winston Peters Comments On Don Brash The Refusal To Allow David Irving To Visit NZ Re: Reported 'Utu' Changes To The Maori Fisheries Bill Whether The PM ...

23: Climate change: Do nothing then throw in the towel

"Do nothing then throw in the towel," is the clear message given by National through its climate change policy says Convenor, Ministerial Group on Climate Change, Pete Hodgson.

24: Minister Tries To Re-Write History

Minister Pete Hodgson's attempt at setting the record straight on Timberlands and Kit Richards is an appallingly crass attempt to re-write history, ACT New Zealand Environment and Conservation Spokesman Ken Shirley said today.

25: Freedom Summer Palestine 2004 Events Diary

Freedom Summer Palestine 2004 is conceived to be 56-day campaign (one day for every year of displacement and dispossession) against occupation, whereby Palestinians mobilizing with the participation and support of their international supporters, ...

26: Scoop Link: Finlay McDonald – Dodgy Diplomacy

Scoop Link: Opinion: Dodgy diplomacy and the refugee caught in a revolving door 01 August 2004 By FINLAY MACDONALD

27: TVNZ Appoints Senior Programme Schedulers

TVNZ today announced the key strategic appointments of Jane Wilson and Liz Fraser as the public television broadcaster’s new Senior Programme Schedulers.

28: Hodgson sets record straight on Kit Richards

Don Brash’s tactic to draw parallels between the Maori Language Commission issue and Mr Kit Richards’ departure from Timberlands West Coast four years ago is spurious.

29: Zaoui Appeals No-Bail-Transfer High Court Decision

Lawyers representing Algerian refugee and asylum seeker Ahmed Zaoui will appeal a High Court decision that refused bail or his transfer to the Mangere Refugee Detention Centre.

30: Kerry Needs A Lesson On Latin American Democracy

Dear Senator Kerry, I like you. I have liked you for a long time. I liked you in the 1970s when you helped lead veterans against the war in Vietnam. I liked you in 1984 when I was a graduate student in Boston and voted for you in your first race ...


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