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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Scoop Images: Latest Image Of Hurricane Frances

The following image was taken at 15.30 UTC on September 1 (approx. 3.30am this morning NZT). It shows Hurricane Frances bearing down on the Bahamas. The latest hurricane advisory and commentary follows the images . At present the forecast path for the ...

2: Chossudovsky: Schwarzenegger's Blunder At The RNC

GLOBAL RESEARCH (FEATURE ARTICLE) Arnold Schwarzenegger's Blunder at the Republican Convention: The Nixon-Humphrey Presidential Debate Never Took Place

3: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?

MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.
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4: President Bush Speaks To AIPAC In Washington

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much. Finally, AIPAC elected a President I can kiss. (Laughter and applause.)

5: Flushing away cancer research

Christchurch Animal Action will be out on the streets during Daffodil Day, encouraging members of the public to not flush half their donation down the toilet.

6: Calling For Breast-Cancer Volunteer Collectors

Volunteer Collectors are urgently needed between 11.00am & 1.30pm on Saturday 4th September to help raise money for breast cancer awareness at the 'Great Race' Gallagher Boathouse 8s.

7: G. Cora Fraser: Do I Spy an Israeli Spy in AIPAC?

For those who believe AIPAC and Israel are at the root of propelling the United States into the misguided Iraq War and subsequent occupation, the Israel spy case involving classified information on Iran is serving as the proverbial string entwining the ...

8: Guest Opinion: A Clear Message From George Bush

You have to give credit to the Bush administration. Their message is clear. People not only understand it they, believe it. The only problem is it is completely untrue.

9: Frances Brings Chaos To Florida, Heads For AL & GA

Florida braced itself for another 24 hours of damaging winds and torrential rains last night after Hurricane Frances very slowly moved over the hurricane prone State.

10: Don Brash's Resignation Talk

Today's resignation talk by Don Brash sends a very clear message to the National Party, says Progressive leader, Jim Anderton.

11: Crisis: 1.6 Million People Displaced In Uganda

A senior United Nations humanitarian official warned today that without adequate funding the world body would not be able to meet the crisis festering in northern Uganda, where 1.6 million people have been displaced by the conflict with the rebel ...

12: US Soldiers Asked To Protect Halliburton Profits

I am a soldier stationed in Iraq concerned about the role of private contractors in this war, and would like to ask for your help. How can you who are way over there help me way over here? Well, let me tell you how.

13: Public Address 06/09/04 - The Innocents

The Beslan massacre has unfolded before all our eyes, and we have all thought "how could they kill children like this?" It was ghastly. But what do we then think about the fact that, according to Genocide Watch, Russian forces have slaughtered 50,000 ...

14: Anne Else: When Is A T-Shirt Not Just A T-Shirt?

Letter from Elsewhere with Anne Else When Is A T-Shirt Not Just A T-Shirt?

15: Nepal Travel Advice - September 2004

We reiterate New Zealanders should defer tourist and non-essential travel given the ongoing security situation in Nepal.

16: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes

The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.

17: Academics prove PM wrong

National Party Associate Treaty spokesman Wayne Mapp is concerned by the reluctance of some academics to distance themselves from claims of 'civil war' over the Foreshore and Seabed legislation.

18: Ramzy Baroud: Racist Discourse in Hostage Butchery

I would’ve suggested a ‘hint of subtle racism’ and ‘unconcealed bias’ in the Chicago Sun-Times’ article, ''Arabs express rare outrage at kidnapping of French journalists.'' (Sep. 1) But I didn’t, for the article’s assessment was disturbingly true.

19: Greens encourage govt to warm to solar energy

The Green Party has congratulated the Government on its plan to make solar water heating compulsory on new homes but says more must be done to bring the price down first.

20: Pacific Ecologist: Cry For Acheh

In the past decade Exxon Mobil has earned $US40 billion from exploiting Acheh’s resources. CUT ZAHARA HAMZA pleads with shareholders at an ExxonMobil annual meeting in Texas to stop supporting the Indonesian military forces in Acheh which continue to commit ...

21: UQ Wire: 9/11 Citizens' Commission -- Sept 9th NYC

Why: A new Zogby poll ( ) shows that 49.3% of New York City residents believe some government leaders "consciously failed" on 9/11.

22: GE corn that caused rat abnormalities approved

The Greens today revealed that a genetically engineered corn variety approved for human food in New Zealand was refused approval by a French scientific committee because of a study showing rats fed with it developed several abnormalities (see attached ...

23: A Silent Holocaust

Every now and again we are reminded that there is a Silent Holocaust taking place on a daily basis throughout God’s Own and right throughout the Western World.

24: The Coming Election

Speech to ACT Waikato/BOP Regional Conference; The Pavilion, Rose Gardens, Cobham Drive, Hamilton; Saturday September 4, 2004.

25: Labour Must Show Hand On Maori Issues

National Party Maori Affairs spokesman Gerry Brownlee says the rise of Tariana Turia's Party should force Labour to come clean on its agenda for Maori and its plan for race relations should it win the next election.

26: Supercomputer Weather: Frances's Florida Landfall

The following are the latest GFS supercomputer model forecasts for Hurricane Frances's landfall and path across the State of Florida. Each image shows rain over a six hour period in coloured lines at 5mm intervals.

27: A Website Against Bilateral Free Trade Agreements

Announcing A New Website Against Bilateral Free Trade & Investment Agreements An Open Letter To Global Activists From Aziz Choudry and Renée Vellvé EN FRANÇAIS - EN ESPANOL

28: Brash is stuck in the 80s and doomed to opposition

Political parties must be absolutely clear ahead of the 2005 election as to who their coalition partners would be in government and Don Brash's comments over the weekend reflect the 1980s policy time warp that he is stuck in, Progressive MP Matt Robson ...

29: Annan Welcomes Release Of Anwar Ibrahim From Jail

Secretary-General Kofi Annan today hailed the decision of a Malaysian court to overturn the sodomy conviction of the country's former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and release him from jail.

30: Maui Gas: Experience the Depletion Cliff.

When the question of oil and gas depletion is raised the flat earth fraternity often can’t help themselves laughing whilst pointing out ''but we’ve never produced more than we are today, the world is awash in oil and gas''.


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