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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Scoop Images: Latest Image Of Hurricane Frances

The following image was taken at 15.30 UTC on September 1 (approx. 3.30am this morning NZT). It shows Hurricane Frances bearing down on the Bahamas. The latest hurricane advisory and commentary follows the images . At present the forecast path for the ...

2: US Soldiers Asked To Protect Halliburton Profits

I am a soldier stationed in Iraq concerned about the role of private contractors in this war, and would like to ask for your help. How can you who are way over there help me way over here? Well, let me tell you how.

3: AA PETROL WATCH – August 2004

Not surprisingly petrol prices increased during August as world oil prices continued to escalate. AA Petrol Watch noted a 5 cents per litre increase in pump prices throughout the month. In most main centres the retail price of 91 Octane increased from 118.9 ...
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4: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?

MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.

5: UQ Wire: My Illegal Arrest And Detainment, RNC, NY

I was one of 1,800+ people who were arrested during the RNC protests. I was arrested on Tuesday evening at 7:00pm and not released until Thursday at 4:10pm for doing nothing more than exercising my first amendment constitutional rights!

6: Flushing away cancer research

Christchurch Animal Action will be out on the streets during Daffodil Day, encouraging members of the public to not flush half their donation down the toilet.

7: Calling For Breast-Cancer Volunteer Collectors

Volunteer Collectors are urgently needed between 11.00am & 1.30pm on Saturday 4th September to help raise money for breast cancer awareness at the 'Great Race' Gallagher Boathouse 8s.

8: Questions for Oral Answer - Tuesday, 7 September

1. Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Prime Minister: Does she have confidence in the Minister of Police; if so, why?

9: Five Years In Jail Acceptable For Zaoui – Crown

The Crown yesterday closed day one, of a two day Court of Appeal hearing , arguing that provided the case was moving along, five years in jail may be an acceptable time for a Ahmed Zaoui to spend in jail whilst the process was completed.

10: David Miller: Facing The Facts Behind Beslan

Vladimir Putin must be a very concerned man. Not only have Chechen rebels killed hundreds in the latest act of terrorism but also his self professed image as a man who can protect Russians against such an outrage has taken another blow.

11: URGENT ALERT: Eviction Threat to Cave Dwellers

Campaign start: >> Online Petition // Presence in the Court // and more to come and Rav Arik Asherman for compiling following information] ENGLISH FOLLOWS HEBREW àðå îàåã æ÷å÷éí ìçúéîúëí òì äòöåîä äîö åøôú åìîëúáéí îëì àçã/ú îëí äîåëï/ä ìëúåá ...

12: PM Refused To Answer Speeding Motorcade Questions

ACT New Zealand Leader Rodney Hide today said that Prime Minister Helen Clark was clearly working hard to cover up her involvement in the speeding motorcade.

13: World: Med Experts Urge End to Child Executions

Amnesty International and medical experts from seven countries have sent an open letter to the heads of government in China, Pakistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Philippines, Iran, Sudan and the USA urging them to stop using the death penalty ...

14: ACT's The Letter

All Quiet On The Political Front The country is still enjoying an Olympic afterglow. The men came through. A politically incorrect thought: where are the Maori athletes? Rowing and kayaking could increase the Beijing medal count if they can make their ...

15: Diebold Memos Disclose Florida 2000 E-Voting Fraud

Something very strange happened in Volusia County on election night November 2000, the night that first Gore won Florida, then Bush, and then as everybody can so well remember there was a tie.

16: BNZ Comments on Access Brokerage Liquidation

Following the appointment of a liquidator for Access Brokerage Ltd (Access), Bank of New Zealand has frozen all accounts in the name of Access Brokerage Ltd, including trust accounts.

17: Linda Minor: Follow The Yellow Brick Road – Part 4

Part Three showed us how America got into the oil business with Saudi Arabia. Edwin Pauley was a spy within the White House, acting as a funnel for campaign funds going to FDR, while at the same time gathering and transmitting information about oil policy ...

18: Public Address 07/09/04: Locked Up And Glassy-Eyed

Our prisons are full and frontline police are having to act as jailers. It appears that the four new prisons we're currently building will provide insufficient capacity. Well, that's what you get when you alter the system so as to lock up even more people...

19: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes

The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.

20: Thais urge NZ: please don’t trade with sweatshops

Green Party Co-leader Rod Donald is hosting two Thai campaigners against the so-called ‘free trade’ agreement currently being negotiated between the governments of Thailand and New Zealand.

21: Maui Gas: Experience the Depletion Cliff.

When the question of oil and gas depletion is raised the flat earth fraternity often can’t help themselves laughing whilst pointing out ''but we’ve never produced more than we are today, the world is awash in oil and gas''.

22: PM confirms plane talk all hot air

National Party Finance spokesman John Key is relieved that Helen Clark has confirmed she was never serious about buying an exclusive Prime Ministerial jet.

23: Brash costs superannuitants a hundred bucks a week

Don Brash and the failed policies of the past cost superannuitants a hundred bucks a week

24: Crisis: 1.6 Million People Displaced In Uganda

A senior United Nations humanitarian official warned today that without adequate funding the world body would not be able to meet the crisis festering in northern Uganda, where 1.6 million people have been displaced by the conflict with the rebel ...

25: Chossudovsky: Schwarzenegger's Blunder At The RNC

GLOBAL RESEARCH (FEATURE ARTICLE) Arnold Schwarzenegger's Blunder at the Republican Convention: The Nixon-Humphrey Presidential Debate Never Took Place

26: Beslan Eyewitness: This was Russia's September 11

NAZRAN, Russian Federation - Russian medical centres were overcome with the wounded and dying in the hours after Friday's violent conclusion to the hostage drama at a school in Beslan. The attack, by terrorists believed linked to some Chechen separatists, ...

27: Chuckman Cartoon: Bush Family Housecall

Cartoon by John Chuckman

28: EU trade commissioner Lamy to visit

European Union trade commissioner Pascal Lamy is to visit New Zealand, Trade Negotiations Minister Jim Sutton said today.

29: BSA upholds Nine to Noon complaint

The Broadcasting Standards Authority today released a decision upholding a complaint from Peter Ellis about an interview conducted on National Radio's Nine to Noon programme in August 2003.

30: John Cory: It's Kerry's Fault

For several weeks now, our pampered press corps and millionaire pundits have continued to justify the slime of Swift Boat smears and GOP operatives, by saying that it is John Kerry's fault.

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