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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?

MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.

2: Scoop Images: Latest Image Of Hurricane Frances

The following image was taken at 15.30 UTC on September 1 (approx. 3.30am this morning NZT). It shows Hurricane Frances bearing down on the Bahamas. The latest hurricane advisory and commentary follows the images . At present the forecast path for the ...

3: Flushing away cancer research

Christchurch Animal Action will be out on the streets during Daffodil Day, encouraging members of the public to not flush half their donation down the toilet.
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4: Questions & Answers for Oral Answer - 7 September

1. Police, Minister—Confidence 2. Prisons—Capacity 3. Prisoners on Remand—Police Supervision 4. Floods—Management 7 5. Foreshore and Seabed Bill—Amendments Question No. 2 to Minister 6. Compliance Costs—Small Business 7. Students—Funding 8. Cartagena ...

5: Calling For Breast-Cancer Volunteer Collectors

Volunteer Collectors are urgently needed between 11.00am & 1.30pm on Saturday 4th September to help raise money for breast cancer awareness at the 'Great Race' Gallagher Boathouse 8s.

6: Public Address 08/09/04 - Innocents II

It would seem some other blog has linked to Monday's post, because yesterday afternoon I got a sudden rush of emails whose collective message might be paraphrased as "YOU ARE A FRIEND OF THE CHILD-MURDERING TERRORISTS! AN APOLOGIST FOR AL-QAEDA! YOU HATE ...

7: Crown: Secret Information = Indefinite Detention

"We wouldn't wear this argument anywhere else in the law" was the irritable response from Justice Hammond after listening to Deputy-Solicitor General, Cheryl Gwyn outlining the Crown's case for keeping detained refugee Ahmed Zaoui in jail indefinitely.

8: Questions for Oral Answer As At Wed, 8 Sep 2004

1. CLAYTON COSGROVE to the Minister of Finance: Has he received any recent reports on the New Zealand economy? 2. RODNEY HIDE to the Prime Minister: Following her reply yesterday that Mr Lloyd "would not give the information", has she now been able to ...

9: Foreshore Submissions Defy Belief

Some Maori have expectations that can never be satisfied, and transcend the ridiculous, ACT New Zealand member of the Select Committee considering the Foreshore and Seabed Bill Ken Shirley said today.

10: US Soldiers Asked To Protect Halliburton Profits

I am a soldier stationed in Iraq concerned about the role of private contractors in this war, and would like to ask for your help. How can you who are way over there help me way over here? Well, let me tell you how.

11: Cullen must explain potential protocol breach

National Party Finance spokesman John Key says Michael Cullen must explain why he appears to have broken all the protocols surrounding interest rate announcements.

12: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes

The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.

13: Homer’s homerphobia warning to feature at hearing

Students to present MPs at Civil Union Bill hearing with Homer Simpson’s warning against ‘homerphobia’

14: Peters scrapes bottom of the barrel with innuendo

"Helen Clark should enquire whether any government agencies are feeding Mr Peters' allegations about Ahmed Zaoui that they won't have tested by competent authorities" said Matt Robson today.

15: Thailand's papaya trade loss is a GE warning to NZ

The Green Party today said a Genetic Engineering contamination scare currently unfolding in Thailand demonstrates the serious risks GE release would pose to New Zealand's exports.

16: Kelpie Wilson: Torture In The Redwoods

This week, in San Francisco, a group of young forest activists will finally get their day in court. In 1997 they were subjected to torture at the hands of police and Pacific Lumber goons.

17: UQ Wire: My Illegal Arrest And Detainment, RNC, NY

I was one of 1,800+ people who were arrested during the RNC protests. I was arrested on Tuesday evening at 7:00pm and not released until Thursday at 4:10pm for doing nothing more than exercising my first amendment constitutional rights!

18: Ben Lummis makes a $10m School Connection

New Zealand Idol winner Ben Lummis today demonstrated the possibilities of technology for schools when he performed live at one of New Zealand's biggest virtual education events. Thousands of students around the country joined Ben, star rugby player Doug ...

19: Bernard Weiner: Rehnquist's Defeat-Bush Memo

I hadn't heard from Shallow Throat in nearly three months. The high-ranking mole in the Bush Administration contacted me last week, at the height of Rove's Smear Boat attacks, agitated because of the Kerry Campaign's belated, and at first, ineffectual ...

20: Strike at the Port of Auckland

Strike period A four-day strike by members of the Maritime Union of NZ will begin at 7am tomorrow (Wednesday 8 September) and will run to 6.59am Sunday 12 September.

21: URGENT ALERT: Eviction Threat to Cave Dwellers

Campaign start: >> Online Petition // Presence in the Court // and more to come and Rav Arik Asherman for compiling following information] ENGLISH FOLLOWS HEBREW àðå îàåã æ÷å÷éí ìçúéîúëí òì äòöåîä äîö åøôú åìîëúáéí îëì àçã/ú îëí äîåëï/ä ìëúåá ...

22: Molesworth & Featherston - 7 September 2004

It’s a fight on the right in the race for Auckland, the government’s economists see the good times, we check polls in the US, Australia and the Maori seats, there are details from this week’s Cabinet and lobbyists need to get up to speed on the industry ...

23: Five Years In Jail Acceptable For Zaoui – Crown

The Crown yesterday closed day one, of a two day Court of Appeal hearing , arguing that provided the case was moving along, five years in jail may be an acceptable time for a Ahmed Zaoui to spend in jail whilst the process was completed.

24: New Bill Contains Important Social Security Change

The Government has today introduced the Social Security (Social Assistance) Amendment Bill to make three significant amendments to the social security system. These are:

25: State Dept. Daily Press Briefing for September 7

RUSSIA - Assistance to Victims of Violence in Belsan-North Ossetia / C130s - with Medicine and Medical Supplies / U.S. Military Command and - European Command/ Relief Agencies / Ambassador Vershbow and - Dispersing of Funds / Secretary Powell and Deputy ...

26: Armed Groups And Weak Rule Of Law Plague Haiti

While the troubled Caribbean nation of Haiti is making tentative steps towards stability and development, Secretary-General Kofi Annan's latest report on the progress of the United Nations peacekeeping mission there warns that the rule of law remains ...

27: Sludge Report #127 - The Hunt For Flight 77

In This Edition: The Hunt For Flight 77 - A Truly Remarkable French Website - Disinformation Warning! - Not Everyone Is Convinced - Eyewitness Reports Of The Crash….

28: World: Med Experts Urge End to Child Executions

Amnesty International and medical experts from seven countries have sent an open letter to the heads of government in China, Pakistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Philippines, Iran, Sudan and the USA urging them to stop using the death penalty ...

29: Emirates Buys Singapore Airport Handler Stake

Dnata, the airport and air travel services division of the Emirates Group, today announced it has signed an agreement to buy a 78.4 per cent stake in Changi International Airport Services (CIAS) from Temasek Holdings in Singapore.

30: NZ First Calls For Referendum On Civil Union Bill

New Zealand First MP Edwin Perry has called for a public referendum to be held on the Civil Union and Relationship (Statutory References) bills.


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