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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?

MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.

2: Questions & Answers for Oral Answer 14 September

1. Care of Children Bill—Parental Responsibility Question No. 2 to Minister 2. Prisoners—Human Rights 3. Community Safety—Policing 4. Employment Relations Act—Unions 5. Work and Income—Job Partnerships 6. Employment Relations Act—Individual Agreements 7. Ministers—Confidence

3: Laos: Atrocities Against Children Are War Crimes

Amnesty International is horrified by recent reports, including video evidence and witness testimony, of an attack by Lao soldiers against a group of five children, four of them girls, in the Xaisomboune military zone on 19 May 2004.
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4: Relief Prepared As Hurricane Ivan Passes Caribbean

United Nations humanitarian agencies are accelerating the deployment of staff and emergency kits to the Caribbean, where Hurricane Ivan - the latest in a series of tropical storms to strike the region this season - is already wreaking deadly havoc.

5: Ingredients Of Secret Police Dope Spray Revealed

Scoop has received a response to an Official Information Act request detailing the till now secret ingredients contained in the blue spray used by police in aerial spraying campaigns against cannabis plantations.

6: Tell the Pope to Get Over It

The NZ Association of Rationalists and Humanists is urging the Government to tell the Pope to stay out of New Zealand's business.

7: Questions for Oral Answer - Wednesday 15 September

1. Dr DON BRASH to the Prime Minister: Is she satisfied with the performance of her Acting Minister of Justice who yesterday rejected a National Party offer to facilitate urgent legislation removing the entitlement of prisoners to compensation from the ...

8: William Rivers Pitt: When the Rabbits Get a Gun

This is the comforting fiction: Osama bin Laden is a monster who sprang whole from the fetid mire. He had no childhood, no influences, no education, no experiences to form his view of the world.

9: NZ Officers To Be Tried By General Court Martial

Two General Courts Martial are to be held at Trentham Military Camp on Thursday 16 September and Friday 17 September 2004 to try two officers on charges of prejudicing service discipline. The charges relate to unauthorised discharges of their weapons.

10: Peak Oil: Suburbia’s looming fire-sale

One of the reasons a great many people, policy makers and leaders find it impossible to face the issue of peak oil is because it challenges the very beliefs that we argue are a priori truths about industrialised western societies, without requirement for ...

11: High Voltage Opera Helps Oncology

Genesis Energy Chief Executive, Murray Jackson momentarily swopped his “captain of industry hat” for a toreador’s montera this week assisted by opera star, Jessie Raven (pictured). Miss Raven who performs the title role in the upcoming Genesis ...

12: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes

The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.

13: Public Address 15/09/04 - Energy And Freedom

A couple of guest posts today. I would recommend putting some time aside to read Dave McArthur's essay, which advances the view that we're steadily moving further away from what a modern electricity network ought to be.

14: Flushing away cancer research

Christchurch Animal Action will be out on the streets during Daffodil Day, encouraging members of the public to not flush half their donation down the toilet.

15: Powell on NBC's Meet the Press with Tim Russert

MR. RUSSERT: Let me show you the results of a poll by a group called GlobeScan and the University of Maryland. It said the following, ''World opinion is overwhelmingly in favor of John Kerry to win the U.S. presidential election, according to a poll ...

16: Kerr: Building Prosperity

Roger Kerr Address: Meat Industry Association 2004 Annual Conference Building Prosperity: Opportunities And Threats

17: EDS likely to support power company

Genesis Energy has just had resource consent for its proposed Awhitu Windfarm turned down by planning commissioners appointed by the Franklin District Council. The proposal involved the construction of 19 wind turbines at Awhitu on the coast south of the ...

18: Damian Clarke’s Update From Palestine (12)

Includes Images: On Saturday I went from Jerusalem to Bethlehem to visit some of the holy sites there. I had finished volunteering for ISM and wanted to play tourist for a day. I caught a Palestinian service taxi to get there.

19: Images: Lord Of The Rings Exhibition At Te Papa

In anticipation of the release of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, the central instalment in writer/director/producer Peter Jackson's epic trilogy based on the J.R.R. Tolkien masterpiece, Te Papa proudly announces a world exclusive and a bold ...

20: Maori Party Talks Double-Speak

ACT New Zealand Leader Rodney Hide today accused Maori Party Co-Leader Dr Pita Sharples of talking double-speak in claiming that the Maori Party was for all New Zealanders.

21: Thanks Banks, but we won’t be striking…

In spite of the support given by Mayor John Banks to the possibility of workers striking at Hubbards Cereal factory in Mangere, the Service & Food Workers' Union (SFWU) are happy to announce that management’s latest offer for a pay increase in ...

22: Sth Korean Nuke Tests Helped by US & Russia

Seoul, September 13, 2004 - As new evidence reveals that uranium enrichment experiments in South Korea have been assisted by laboratories in the United States and Russia, Greenpeace is calling for an immediate end to international collaboration on plutonium ...

23: Discussion paper on GM-labelling welcomed

The release of a discussion paper will assist with plans to develop trans-Tasman guidelines on GM-labelling by early next year.

24: Comprehensive package of RMA improvements

The Government has announced a comprehensive package of measures designed to improve the working of the Resource Management Act (RMA).

25: Scoop Images: Hurricane Ivan To Clobber Jamaica

Hurricane Ivan, now Category 5, has strengthened markedly over the last 24 hours and is bearing down on Jamaica where 500,000 people have been urged to evacuate from low lying areas of the Island group. On its way towards Jamaica Ivan clobbered the ...

26: ihug Unveils bliink - Flat Rate Broadband

ihug, is continuing its crusade to provide cheaper, faster internet service to Kiwis with the introduction of bliink, a new broadband service for both residential and business customers across New Zealand.

27: Shirley Supports Ban On Committee Abuser

ACT New Zealand representative on the Select Committee hearing the Foreshore and Seabed Bill Ken Shirley to supported the actions of Chairman Russell Fairbrother in invoking a trespass order and effectively banning submitter H T Rikihana from ...

28: Ivan Eland: Have 1,000 U.S. Souls Died for Oil?

The tragic milestone of 1,000 U.S. deaths in the Iraqi quagmire should cause introspection about why the United States really went to war and whether it has been worth it. While the Bush administration’s public justifications never really added up, evidence ...

29: Protest At Music Video Awards This Evening

Concerned artists donning former American president masks will protest at this year's Radio Active Handle the Jandal competition.

30: Secretary Colin L. Powell Interview by Reuters

MR. MOHAMMED: Mr. Secretary, thank you for taking the time to speak to us today.


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