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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: William Rivers Pitt: It Was a Rout

There was a President on that stage in Florida on Thursday night, and his name was not George.

2: PEN Details Writers In Prison And Killed

"Freedom of speech is a source of power. If used constructively, it is amazing what speech can do. It can fight corruption, free political prisoners, and make oppressive regimes crumble."

3: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?

MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.
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4: Investigation: Inside The Waiouru RF Cadet School

Lauded as the prime source of the New Zealand Army's future Senior NCOs and Officers, for 50 years the Regular Force Cadet School has kept secret a far more sinister aspect to its existence.

5: The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction - Weather

The significant expansion in America's weather warfare arsenal, which is a priority of the Department of Defense is not a matter for debate or discussion.

6: FAQs Re Light Engineer Group To Iraq

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Deployment Of The New Zealand Light Engineer Group To Iraq

7: Public Address 04/10/04 - Look Over There

Maybe it's high time we came up with a new word for the kind of politics espoused by our good friend Mr Peters. 'Wedge' seems to be the word of choice these days, but it just doesn't really encapsulate the deliberate division he aims for with mindless ...

8: Powell At Southern Center for Intl. Studies

SECRETARY POWELL: Thank you all for that great Atlanta welcome, and Peter, thank you for the gracious introduction. It is something of a homecoming for me.

9: Kevin List: Trouble At T'[NewsPaper] Mill

THIS weekend, the war begins between two Sunday newspapers destined for the nation’s news stands and New Zealanders’ hearts. Scoop’s KEVIN LIST reports on the controversy surrounding the setting up of the new Herald on Sunday

10: Coddington: Fixing Education - Government Butt Out

Deborah Coddington Speech to the ACT Upper South Regional Conference; The George Hotel, 50 Park Tce, Christchurch; Saturday October 2, 2004

11: Victims Of Army Cadet School Violence Sought

A former cadet at the New Zealand Army Waiouru Cadet School is working to raise awareness of what he says was widespread physical, psychological and sexual abuse of cadets as young as 15 at the school in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. He hopes to get Government ...

12: Israel Owns the Earth - Palestine Owns the Moon

Tanks rumbled : Through narrow : Sandy alleyways : As scores of armored : Carriers, tanks : And bulldozers : Stood by : Perched : Like vultures : Assembled : Along northern : And eastern borders : Of Gaza's cramped : Refugee camp

13: Armitage IV by Journalists From NATO Countries

QUESTION: Okay, since we are from Europe, we will start with a question about the European-U.S. relations. So we'd like to know if, for the U.S., is the European Union now, or Europe, in general, a partner of necessity or a partner of choice?

14: Prime Minister to visit Hungary, India, Singapore

Prime Minister Helen Clark today announced that she will leave next week for Hungary, India, and Singapore.

15: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes

The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.

16: Media Flash - Mar. 12, 2001

* RUSSELL POLIWKA, Chairman of the Perth Real Estate Guide, says the Sunday Times has acted anti-competitively by launching its Readers Mart Real Estate - Eastern.

17: ACT's The Letter - Monday 4 October 2004

The Supreme Court begins its first case tomorrow, Prebble vs Huata at 10 am in the cellar of the Court of Appeal, Wellington. We will post the legal arguments at

18: You Can Be Certain & You Can Be Wrong

I wonder how anyone who watched the presidential debate on September 30th could feel comfortable calling George W. Bush our commander-in-chief. Someday, I suspect, a popular consensus will characterize the year 2001 as a time when an uninformed man ...

19: STORY OF THE WEEK: Auckland Mayoralty

STORY OF THE WEEK - Week Ending 1 Oct. 2004 The Auckland Mayoralty Race Gets Dirty

20: Oil price increases could knock economy

United Future finance spokesperson Gordon Copeland today called on the government to cut taxes to alleviate the impact of recent oil price increases on New Zealand’s booming economy.

21: Questions For Mr Goff

ACT New Zealand Justice Spokesman Stephen Franks this morning suggested questions that should be put to Justice Minister Phil Goff when he emerged from today's Cabinet meeting.

22: Doug Giebel: What If Bush Didn't Lie?

Since the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq, much has been written about the lies of George W. Bush, centered primarily on claims of weapons of mass destruction and the other bogus reasons offered for occupying Iraq.

23: Mercy mission underway for animals in Haiti

The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is mounting a mercy mission to provide desperately needed life-saving supplies of food and medicines for thousands of animals injured, trapped or starving on Haiti, in the wake of the recent hurricanes ...

24: Labour gives up on tracking benefit fraud

National Party Social Services spokeswoman Katherine Rich says it appears the Labour Government is giving up on tracking benefit fraud.



26: Scoop Readers Can Order Zaoui Book Online

A book resulting from months of investigation into the Ahmed Zaoui case is to be launched in Auckland on October 5. Scoop readers can order this book online. The book is titled "I almost forgot about the moon" and subtitled: The Disinformation ...

27: Greg Palast: Mr. Tall and Mr. Small

Our President told the debate audience, ''You cannot lead if you send mexxed missiges.'' I certainly hope not. But that's exactly what we got. You watch our President, the nervous hand-hiding, the compulsive water-glass-fondling, the panicked I-wish-I-had-a-whiskey ...

28: Polish refugee children’s 60th anniversary

This Labour Weekend, the former Polish refugee children will hold a grand three-day 60th anniversary reunion in Pahiatua, Silverstream and Wellington for all former Polish refugee children and their descendents.

29: Locke asks Govt to lobby US over fingerprinting

Green MP Keith Locke is asking the Government to lobby US authorities to drop the fingerprinting and photographing of Air New Zealand's transit passengers.

30: Jewish American group calls for int. intervention

Jewish American group calls for international intervention to stop Israel’s massive military invasion of Gaza Strip


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