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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?

MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.

2: Jeanette Fitzsimons: “Picnic for the Planet 2005”

It’s good to be here on Waiheke with you, sharing what is at last a traditional New Zealand summer: sun, sea, families, home-grown music, fun and general goodwill. It’s also good to be back in Green heartland. Waiheke residents gave the Greens 21 percent ...

3: IBM serves up Australian Open results on demand

Melbourne, AUSTRALIA – January 18, 2005 -- Marking thirteen consecutive years as the Official Information Technology Provider to the Australian Open tennis tournament, IBM today announced a range of innovative new and enhanced initiatives to support ...
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4: NASA: Composite of Titan's Surface During Descent

This composite was produced from images returned yesterday, January 14, 2005, by the European Space Agency's Huygens probe during its successful descent to land on Titan. It shows a full 360-degree view around Huygens. The left-hand side, behind ...

5: UQ Wire: The Role Of The U.S. Government On 9-11

For 50 minutes, from 8:15 a.m. until 9:05 a.m. on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Defense were aware that four domestic U.S. passenger airplanes had been hijacked.

6: Tsunami Report: Thai Shops Selling Gruesome Photos

PHUKET, Thailand -- Shops are selling high-quality, color photographs of bloated, blackened corpses of foreign tourists and Thais who perished in the tsunami, and video compact disks showing waves battering and flooding Thailand's tiny islands.

7: Scoop Link: Seymour Hersh - The Coming Wars

George W. Bush’s reëlection was not his only victory last fall. The President and his national-security advisers have consolidated control over the military and intelligence communities’ strategic analyses and covert operations to a degree unmatched since ...

8: Public Address 18/01/05 - Not Afraid Of The Vote

A lot has been said in the last week to rekindle the debate on referenda and the Civil Union Bill after a welcome Christmas truce. Colin James published a deliberative piece on the merits of more referenda and the Supreme Court Bill and Civil Union ...

9: New Energy Sec. Was One of Texas' Worst Polluters

In the bizarro world that President Bush lives in, it pays 'literally' to be a miserable failure, a criminal and a corporate con man. Those are just some of the characteristics of the dastardly men and women who were tapped recently to fill the vacancies in ...

10: Labour should consult on tsunami aid

National Party Foreign Affairs & Trade spokesman Lockwood Smith is congratulating the Government on its renewed focus on a major tsunami aid package.

11: Bush Controls FTC While Amway Rips Off Millions

Every year, Amway rips of millions of people all over the world through a secret pyramid scheme that will no doubt continue for as long as Bush is in office and controls the Federal Trade Commission.

12: Tattoos Help Identify Tsunami Victims' Bodies

PHUKET, Thailand -- The popularity of tattoos among foreigners and Thais has helped identify bodies recovered from the tsunami, especially when it is difficult to match DNA with a relative, or find dental records, according to a U.S. government forensic ...

13: McDonald's dominates NZ Children's Food Awards

McDonald's has emerged as a leading contender in the second New Zealand Children's Food Awards, whose shortlist was announced at a ceremony at Parliament this afternoon.

14: Condi Question: Is Unjustified 'Certitude' Lying?

Here is the first question the Senate Foreign Relations Committee should pose to Condoleezza Rice Tuesday at her confirmation hearings for Secretary of State: Is it ''lying'' to say that something definitely is true when it is your understanding ...

15: ACC has billions, considers cutting rescue chopper

National MP Simon Power says it is a scandal that ACC is considering axing Palmerston North’s rescue helicopter while sitting on investments worth billions of dollars and making hundreds of millions of dollars profit each year.

16: Mom & Pop War Profiteering Team - Woolseys

The Defense Policy Board (DPB) is a hand-picked group of 30 people that advises Bush administration officials on matters such as whether and when to go to war, or not.

17: Who Is Trying To Fool Whom?

National Party Deputy Leader Gerry Brownlee says the public deserve to know whether troublesome backbench MP John Tamihere has allowed the Prime Minister to vet the speech he's due to deliver tomorrow.

18: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes

The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.

19: $130 Billion Windfall For Bush Health Care Cronies

On July 6, 2004, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General (IG) released a report stating that former Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Thomas Scully pressured the agency’s chief ...

20: Scoop Feedback: Paul Buchanan On Tsunami Aid

As usual Dr. Buchanan has provided an open and frank comment of a potential shift in international relations relative to an individual nation or a grouping of nations’ donations in aid.

21: Will Washington tolerate Chinese-Venezuelan Pact?

• Venezuela is quickly emerging as a major player in the global energy game due to China’s skyrocketing energy demands and the escalating instability of oil sources in the Middle East and West Africa.

22: Thousands of Afghan Refugees Likely To Return Home

Hundreds of thousands of the estimated 3 million Afghan still living in exile in Pakistan and Iran will likely return home this year but the pace of repatriation to their war-ravaged country should not be speeded up, according to the head of the ...

23: Boost In Nuclear Health Science For West Africa

Addressing a part of his mission that is perhaps as important as even if less headline-grabbing than the fight to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, the head of the United Nations atomic watchdog agency is visiting West Africa see to how nuclear science can help ...

24: No Teachers: Crisis, what crisis?

The teacher shortage crisis is unacceptable and highlights the failure of Labour's centralised policy for paying for teachers, ACT Education spokesman Deborah Coddington said today.

25: Dunne on 2005: It’s the family, stupid!

United Future leader Peter Dunne told Eastern Hutt Rotarians tonight that United Future’s total focus this election year would be on promoting policies to strengthen New Zealand families.

26: Images: Lord Of The Rings Exhibition At Te Papa

In anticipation of the release of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, the central instalment in writer/director/producer Peter Jackson's epic trilogy based on the J.R.R. Tolkien masterpiece, Te Papa proudly announces a world exclusive and a bold ...

27: Jessica Leight on Argentine Debt Restructuring

President Nestor Kirchner of Argentina has much to celebrate this year as he approaches his second anniversary. His country has been enjoying heady economic growth rates and approval ratings that continue to top two-thirds of respondents. This is a particularly ...

28: Evelyn Pringle: Iraq -- Bush Family $$$ Signs

After Dick Cheney's tenure at the Pentagon ended, in 1993, he spent much of the next two years deciding whether to run for President. He formed a political-action committee, and crossed the country making speeches and raising money, according to ...

29: FARC Commander Kidnapped In Venezuela

Venezuelan authorities last week confirmed allegations made by Colombia’s main guerrilla organisation FARC, that said that Venezuelan police officers, together with Colombian intelligence forces, captured a high-ranking rebel commander in downtown Caracas, ...

30: Stateside With Rosalea: 2004 Kaleidoscope

**Most effective weight-loss diet** Airline water. Coming back from DC in the middle of the year, I drank a tiny paper cup of the water on tap in the plane, spent the next eight weeks running to the bathroom, and lost ten pounds.


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