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Scoop Top 30 weekend Ratings


The weekend’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Images: Alanis Morissette "Exposes" US Censorship

In a pre-planned, live sketch last night at The 2004 JUNO Awards, Canada's music awards, host Alanis Morissette made light of the recent Super Bowl controversy in the United States when she ''exposed'' herself on Canadian television.

2: U.S. Declares Iraqis Can Not Save Their Own Seeds

As part of sweeping ''economic restructuring'' implemented by the Bush Administration in Iraq, Iraqi farmers will no longer be permitted to save their seeds, which include seeds the Iraqis themselves have developed over hundreds of years.

3: George W. Bush: State Of The Union 2005 - Summary

In his State of the Union Address, President Bush described the state of our Union as confident and strong - the U.S. economy is growing steadily, more Americans are finding jobs, and our Nation is serving as an active force for good in the world. ...
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4: Clean coal exporter perfect for Aichi expo

"New Zealand's exporter of the year, Solid Energy, has faced up to one of the biggest challenges there is - making coal clean. That's why they have been chosen to host the New Zealand Pavillion at the Aichi Expo 2005 in Japan," Minister for Economic ...

5: 'Texan' Thai PM Plans To Follow In Bush Footsteps

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra boasts he and U.S. President George Bush "are both Texans", and following the success of his superpower ally, expects to be re-elected on Sunday (Feb. 6).

6: A Mountain Of Docs On Ohio's Stolen Election

Ohio Attorney-General's attack on election protection attorneys draws mountain of documentation on state's stolen election, including new study on exit polls.

7: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes

The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.

8: Marjorie Cohn: Another World Is Possible

The Fifth Annual World Social Forum (WSF) held in Porto Alegre, Brazil from January 26-31 garnered almost no media coverage in the United States. Timed to coincide with the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the WSF drew 155,000 activists from ...

9: State Dept. Daily Press Briefing for February 3

GEORGIA Death of Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania CAMBODIA Suspension of Parliamentary Immunity of Cambodian Opposition Party Members / Arrest of Cheam Channy

10: Opinion: King Gyanendra Action Is Truely Justified

The recent political developments in Nepal has been a great concern to all Nepalese living within and outside Nepal.

11: Ghost Stories Haunting Thailand's Tsunami Zones

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Many Thais believe ghosts are wandering tsunami-hit beaches, spooking taxi drivers, making the Andaman Sea hungry for more victims, and jinxing an economic recovery for devastated resorts.

12: A Mean Spirited First Week Back At Parliament

The peace and good will of the Christmas season evaporated in a storm of hysterical speeches in Parliament and rancid recriminations following yet another Dr Don Brash, Orewa speech.

13: Kiwi ingenuity puts Coast to Coast athletes on map

A device used to radio-track animals will be used on humans for the first time during the 23rd Speight's Coast to Coast race this weekend, in a world-leading move to map competitors' locations.

14: Double Reason to fly the New Zealand Flag

Sunday 6 February is Waitangi Day. It is also the anniversary of the accession to the throne of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Both events are special occasions on which it is particularly appropriate to fly our national flag.

15: Top 10 Reasons Jonathan Hunt Qualifies As Great

Top 10 reasons Jonathan Hunt qualifies as one the 20 greatest living New Zealanders.

16: His Majesty The King Of Nepal Makes The Right Move

Ever since the inception of the so-called multiparty government, the party bosses and their relatives and cronies have been looting the nation and its destitute people.

17: Majority of EU retailers say no to GE

What do the major European food retailers and producers think about genetically engineered (GE) food? In a new Greenpeace report, we asked them. Of the 60 top companies we contacted, 49 of them won't use GE in their own brands, and they've gone on record ...

18: Review: Elias Chacour - Prophet in His Own Country

ELIAS CHACOUR: PROPHET IN HIS OWN COUNTRY is a film about a Melkite priest who brings the seeds of peace to the Israel-Palestine conflict. The third annual Chicago Palestine Film Festival hosted the screening at the Southwest Youth Collaborative on Saturday.

19: Sonia Nettnin: To Create Something Out of Nothing

On stage, they dance the movement of life. When they speak, their voices reveal the meaning behind the burning heart.

20: Sonia Nettnin: Film Review - Ford Transit

The final screening of FORD TRANSIT at the third annual Chicago Palestine Film Festival showed on Friday.

21: Sonia Nettnin: Film Review - A Stone's Throw Away

“I lost the will to live when I lost my friend,” the boy said. “But Kiftah will always be in my heart…I will never forget him.” A STONE’S THROW AWAY is a documentary about life under military occupation and the Palestinian youth who suffer from it.

22: Kamala Sarup: Crisis In Nepal

"We (India) will continue to support the restoration of political stability and economic prosperity in Nepal, a process which requires reliance on the forces of democracy and the support of the people of Nepal," emphasized the Foreign ...

23: Sonia Nettnin: Film Review - Route 181

ROUTE 181 is a cinematic journey through Palestine-Israel. Directors Michel Khleifi and Eyal Sivan trace a route based on the theoretical line presented in Resolution 181 (United Nations, 1947).

24: Sonia Nettnin: Film Review and Analysis of JIHAD!

The Chicago Palestine Film Festival hosted the world premiere of JIHAD! at the Gene Siskel Film Center on Saturday. Directed by Muhammed Rum, the Topiary Productions film is an individual and global exploration of the word and its meaning.

25: Sonia Nettnin: Film Review - Keys

KEYS is a documentary film about several Palestinian families who crossover the green partition line; and they revisit the remains of their homes and villages. During the third annual Chicago Palestine Film Festival, KEYS (in Arabic, MAFATEEH,) had ...

26: Sonia Nettnin: Film Review - Route 181 (Part III)

The Palestinian people of Qaqiliya enter and exit the city through a gate. Israeli soldiers lock it with a key. The gate is part of the concrete wall.

27: Sonia Nettnin: Review - Salt Of The Earth

SALT OF THE EARTH is an exploration into the lives of Palestinian Christians. Martame and Elizabeth Sanders directed the production. It had its final showing on Sunday at the third annual Chicago Palestine Film Festival.

28: Sonia Nettnin: Film Review - Route 181 (Part II)

People climb the stairs along the rocky landscape. Once they reach the top, they walk a dirt road. Everyone is dressed up for a special occasion. A few men carry flowers arrangements and they move quickly.

29: Sonia Nettnin: Film Review - Siege

Israeli soldiers left their mark. In the Ministry of Culture’s office, they draped the windows with barbed wire. On the floor, crates filled with bottles of urine. Feces on the rug. The inside of a Xerox machine smeared brown.

30: Sonia Nettnin: Film Review - Arna's Children

The film ARNA’S CHILDREN, opened the third annual Chicago Palestine Film Festival at the Gene Siskel Film Center on Friday.


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