Police 111 operator helps to halt runaway truck
Location of incident: SH1, Whakatane district
Incident Type: Serious road accident averted
Police 111 operator helps to bring runaway truck to halt
A major road catastrophe on SH1 was averted this afternoon through the efforts of a police 111 calltaker and the driver of a truck with brake failure in the Whakatane district.
The driver called 111 for police assistance after his brakes failed and his truck began speeding out of control on the busy highway.
The police calltaker was able to give advice and guidance to the strickened driver as his truck and trailer, carrying three and half metres of metal, careered uncontrollably for approximately 6km towards a steep stretch of SH1 near Benner Rd.
The driver eventually managed to bring the truck to a stop just before the hill by listening to instructions from the calltaker and changing down gears to reduce his speed.
Inspector Matt Sillars praised the actions of the police 111 calltaker for her part in preventing what was almost certain to be a serious road accident. "The calltaker managed to calm down the driver and bring an out of control situation to a safe conclusion," Inspector Matt Sillars said.
Noone was injured in the incident.