TV 3 6pm News
ALLIANCE: The Alliance announced their economic policy today with Anderton proposing a new department of Economic Development, of which he would expect to be Minister. Anderton is saying he would create 80,000 new jobs in his first term.
PETERS: Winston Peters launched his bid to keep his now fiercely contested Tauranga seat today.
FARMERS: A predicted cold snap failed to eventuate over Southland and Otago today – relief for farmers in the middle of lambing. However the cold is expected to hit Canterbury and Marlborough tonight with sleet, snow and Southerly winds.
WATSON: The hair found on Watson’s boat is 28,000 times more likely to be Olivia Hope’s than any other New Zealand female according to a forensic scientist. The defence has questioned whether the hair was contaminated or mixed up in the lab.
SEAT BELTS: Seat belts in school mini buses under 3.5 tonnes and seating under 18 people are now compulsory.
PLUNKET: Plunket line was reopened today
by the Prime