Plans for a Community/Government Forum on track
Plans for a Community/Government Forum on track
Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector, Luamanuvao Winnie Laban today responded to comments made about the planning of a forum between the government and the sector.
"The joint Community/Government Forum scheduled for June will go ahead. I want to ensure it is a successful and positive engagement with the wider community and voluntary sector," said Laban.
"A steering group containing many representatives from the sector are leading the work around the proposed Community/Government Forum. The Community Sector Taskforce is a part of this steering group."
"The community and voluntary sector is large, complex and diverse with many different players. The Community Sector Taskforce is one of these players and is able to contribute positively," said Laban.
"The Labour-led government is working with all possible players in the community and voluntary sector not just the few - to build strong, capable and sustainable communities," said Laban.