Turner: Yay for grandparents!!
Media statement
Embargoed until the Budget
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Turner: Yay for
UnitedFuture is delighted that the government has finally chosen to respond to the needs of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren in New Zealand and has closed the gap between kinship caregivers and foster parents in the money paid for child support.
Family spokesperson Judy Turner said “UnitedFuture feels like it has been the proverbial dripping tap on this for nearly six years and we are thrilled that this step has finally been taken.
“However there are additional steps that we will now encourage future budgets to include.
“This package does not entitle grandparents to the additional allowances that foster parents receive for the range of extra expenses like school fees and pocket money that are over and above the basic needs children have.
“Most grandparents who find themselves in this predicament raising their grandchildren make huge financial sacrifices to provide a safe home for these children.
“They forgo employment, re-mortgage themselves to buy the bigger home needed, often have huge legal bills to establish safe custodial arrangements for the children, plus all the many costs associated with raising children.
“If they are superannuitants the stories become even grimmer, with grandparents often having to decide between filling their own prescriptions and school trips for the children.