Sir Hamish Hay
8 September 2008 Media Statement
Sir Hamish Hay
Progressive Party leader and MP for Wigram Jim Anderton today paid tribute for former Christchurch mayor Sir Hamish Hay, who passed away last evening.
Jim Anderton said Sir Hamish had been a very humane, very fair mayor, who had had a good team around him and had taken the city forward.
"He was an innovative and progressive mayor… He didn't let the city linger, he took it forward. The city can be thankful for a lot of the work he began."
Jim Anderton also paid tribute to Lady Hay, who had worked hard for Christchurch.
"They were a good partnership, a good team."
Sir Hamish was Mayor from 1974 to 1989, and before that was a Christchurch City Councillor. He was also a Regional Councillor for Christchurch North form 1995 to 2001.