Really smart meters set for further debate
Really smart meters set for further debate
“I welcome the selection today of Green MP Dave Clendon’s bill on smart meters” said Dr Jan Wright, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. “It is an excellent opportunity to continue debate on this extremely important issue, and will allow MPs to question why consumers and the environment will miss out on the benefits of really smart technology.”
Since releasing her report in June last year, the Commissioner has continued to be active in the area, including appearing before the Commerce Committee in December.
“Without really smart meters consumers will have no ability to make the most of emerging new technology, to save money, and benefit the environment at the same time,” Dr Jan Wright, told the Committee late last year.
Recent concern expressed by a group of Chief Executives of electricity lines companies shows that smart meters form a key part of our infrastructure. As such, they are an issue of national strategic importance, as well as a tool for consumers to make positive energy savings.