What legislation would you like reprinted during 2011/12?
Parliamentary Counsel Office - What legislation would you like reprinted during 2011/12?
We are keen to find out from key users of legislation what legislation you would like the Parliamentary Counsel Office to reprint in hard copy in 2011/12.
A major consideration is the availability of the New Zealand legislation website (www.legislation.govt.nz), which provides users with up-to-date compiled legislation that we are in the process of checking. Hard copy reprints are often out of date very soon after publication, so we expect the demand for them to decrease.
To start the survey, please click on the following link, or paste it into your browser: surveymonkey.com/s/pco-reprints-survey Please complete the survey by Friday 15 July 2011.
Thank you for participating. If you have any questions about the survey, please email contact.pco@parliament.govt.nz.