Green Party Conservation Policy missing something – us!
Green Party Conservation Policy missing something – us!
“The Green Party’s recently released conservation policy is missing a crucial component,” said UnitedFuture Leader Peter Dunne, “us.”
“Where is our role, the people of New Zealand, in this plan? Or are we just part of the problem?”
There is a ‘look, but don’t touch’ attitude developing among some in this country regarding our conservation estate that I believe is not only detrimental to our outdoor heritage but also, in the long run, to our conservation objectives, said Mr Dunne.
“It is worthy and proper to advocate for greater funding for DoC’s conservation purposes but how about some attention being paid to DoC’s statutorily mandated role of fostering the use of our natural resources for recreation.”
“Promoting the use of our conservation estate is a key part of DoC’s role, which has largely been neglected,” said Mr Dunne.
“UnitedFuture believes that DoC should be responsive first and foremost to the interests of New Zealanders who use and enjoy our conservation estate – including outdoor recreation groups, and individuals who tramp, hunt, fish, climb or whatever.”
“The greatest conservationists and advocates for our native species are those that partake in the recreational opportunities that our conservation estate has to offer. DoC needs to be investing in the future of conservation by actively encouraging the recreational use of our backcountry.”
UnitedFuture wants to ensure that DoC is required to genuinely take into account the views of recreational groups and individuals when decisions are made regarding the use of our conservation estate.
“The consenting of herd and chase style heli-hunting and the continual use of aerial 1080 are proof that this is not currently the case,” said Mr Dunne.
UnitedFuture’s outdoor recreation policy can be found at