Veteran Activist Hospitalised Over Removal of State Houses
MANA Vice President John Minto
2nd April 2012
Veteran Activist Hospitalised Over Removal of State Houses
Mana supporters are deeply upset that veteran activist Jimmy O’Dea was injured this afternoon and taken to hospital trying to stop the removal of state houses from Glen Innes. The house is at 25 Silverton Ave Glen Innes.
“Jimmy is a diamond of a man who put himself in harm’s way in front of the house removal truck to try and protect the state houses of low-income residents of Glen Innes” says MANA Vice President John Minto. “Contracting companies are being used as the front line of attack against a community desperately trying to save their state houses. The government is selling state houses and the land beneath them to private developers for luxury housing on the high ground on the north side of Glen Innes. State house numbers will be reduced and the residents moved into soon-to-be slums in central Glen Innes”.
Houses under immediate threat are at 25 Silverton St and 6 Melling Streets.
Mana supporters are on site and coordinating support for the community and opposition to the removals.