Maori Party Backs Themselves into a Corner
Maori Party Backs Themselves into a Corner
Press Release
MANA leader Hone Harawira
Wednesday 11th July
“The Maori Party cannot liken the Prime Minister’s disparaging comments about the Waitangi Tribunal hearing to Helen Clark’s Foreshore and Seabed bill, and then stay in government” said MANA Leader Hone Harawira.
“They’ve made the call … now they have to walk the talk".
“National wants to sell state assets over Maori objections … and the Maori Party stays with them".
“National has consistently opposed Maori claims to water … and the Maori Party stays with them".
“And now National says they will ignore the Waitangi Tribunal … and I bet the Maori Party still stays with them".
“When the Maori Party complains, they want Maori people to think of them as a dog with a big bite, but really they’re just a Chihuahua with a big yap. They talk tough but that’s all they do".
Harawira said that along with the rest of Maoridom, MANA had opposed the sale of state assets, both publicly and in the house, and would do all it could to stop the sales going ahead. “The Maori Party didn’t even bother to turn up to any of the consultation hui to oppose the government’s proposals".
Harawira also said that when MANA was supporting the Maori Council’s call for a Tribunal hearing to stop the sale of state assets until the Maori interest in water had been settled, “the Maori Party was nowhere to be seen".
“They can’t accuse government of theft while living off the proceeds of the crime” said Harawira. “They’re either with the government or they’re with the people. I know where MANA is, and so do the people".