Protecting Papatuanuku a Priority for MANA
Protecting Papatuanuku a Priority for MANA
Hone Harawira, MANA Leader and MP for Te Tai Tokerau
Tuesday 1 July 2014
“Big ups to Greenpeace for their Climate Voter initiative”, said Hone Harawira, MANA leader and MP for Tai Tokerau.
“Letting people see which parties stand up for Papatuanuku and which parties stand for overdevelopment and pollution should help focus their votes come election time”, said Harawira
“The respect we hold for Papatuanuku is fundamental to the future of all mankind, and MANA is keen to work with anyone willing to protect our world from the devastation of climate change".
“I’m cool with where MANA stands on environmental issues, and I’m urging all of our members to sign up to the Climate Voter initiative and to promote it as widely as possible. And I can confirm that MANA will be endorsing the Climate Voter initiative through our own website".