Why Not a Marine Fishing Park in Pewhairangi?
Why Not a Marine Fishing Park in Pewhairangi?
“The National Party’s plan for recreational fishing parks in the Hauraki Gulf and Marlborough Sounds is good as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go far enough,” said Rev Te Hira Paenga, the Maori Party’s candidate for Te Tai Tokerau. “Why not a similar park in Pewhairangi (Bay of Islands) to cater for our Maori non-commercial fishers, for whom catching fish is more than just recreation; it is also a matter of kai for the family table.
“If I am elected as member for Te Tai Tokerau and National returns as government, one of my first calls will be on Ministers Nick Smith and Nathan Guy to get this park established for our people in this rohe,” said Mr Paenga.